A short poem about the tragedy of war.
English 11 students constructing Slam poems on issues relevant to them.
Impacts of oil fracking slam poetry
This poem is about the wars America has been involved in. These wars effect us still today in one way or another.
A great poem about this topic
In our class we worked on slam poetry on politics and as a group my group and I decided to do our poem on immigration. We wanted to express our fee...
Ser un inmigrante no es nada fácil, las cosas no son como parecen. estando en tu país todo se escucha fácil, pero en el transcurso del tiempo te d...
This is a slam poem about censorship.
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Animal Abuse happens every day in America. We need to try to put an end to this.
Offering free college tuition would put us spiraling into debt, cause a major raise in taxes, reduce value and quality of education, as well as mak...
American needs to control their actions.
Racism and how to handle it.
The cost of college is affecting our future and the people who want to go to college but can't afford it.
ISIS is a problem
Homeless Veterans need help.
Some people can't afford the medicines they need because the price is too high.
Don't take our guns away
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I created this video as a class project and a short informative documentary. It details the Syrian war's destruction and why we should not send our...
The U.S. government needs to take measures against the poor conditions of the refugees from Syria who were forced to leave their country.
I am an openly lesbian student at Aptos Middle school in San Francisco, California. I am writing from Ethnic studies and my future aspirations are...
Can people take away our 2nd amendment??? Maybe not, this report is mainly centered on Gun Free Zones
Letter to President, Vietnam War, Hatboro-Horsham,
We need to stop letting our debt to other countries build up because other countries might want to take their money back if we don't start doing so...
Abstract poem
The effect terrorism has on society and it's consequences.
Persuasive letter with reasons to end the war on terror
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