Charli B. Iowa


I think that we need to examine these questions and discuss them before we start making laws and other suggestions with the subject of abortion and how serious it is getting.

Dear President,

I think that we need to examine these questions and discuss them before we start making laws and other suggestions with the subject of abortion and how serious it is getting. There are so many questions and many opinionated solutions and opinions to this topic but more aren’t let out and shared.

Do men have a say with abortion? There may be so many different answers to this question and so many opinions too. Here is what research has to say about this: “A child is an extension of the father as well as of the mother. This is true objectively and scientifically as it concerns the source of genetics and DNA, and it is recognized socially and legally with regard to last names, dependence, custody, inheritance, and in other ways.” This tells us that men should have a say because the baby is half of the men as much as the women too. Even though the woman is carrying the baby around for nine months, the baby will still have a father figure as he/she is growing up and making a life.

Abortion is becoming a way for women and young girls to get out of unwanted pregnancies. Most abortions that are done by young girls that do not want people to know or to find out she was pregnant at all are done in secret. There are so many dangers to this process, even if this procedure is done without any secret it can still be so dangerous. This process can affect the girl with her health and her future knowing she had this done. Most girls do this very early in their pregnancy and some may do different, this is what research says. “Serious complications arising from aspiration abortions provided before 13 weeks are quite unusual. About 88% of the women who obtain abortions are less than 13 weeks pregnant.4 Of these women, 97% report no complications; 2.5% have minor complications that can be handled at the medical office or abortion facility; and less than 0.5% have more serious complications that require some additional surgical procedure and/or hospitalization.” Also with doing this procedure so early in pregnancy and with the fact of this hurting the girl's body it can become very common and serious. This is what research says about age of girls that have this done, “Women between the ages of 15 and 19 account for about 19% of all abortions; women 20 to 24 account for another 33%; and about 25% of abortions are obtained by women who are 30 or older. Calculating abortion rates, older teenagers and young adults have the highest abortion rates, while women younger than 15 and older than 35 have the lowest.” Young girls are finding this an easy way to not have a baby they didn’t want. This way of life is not getting noticed and treated the way it should be being treated in this country. We can do something about this and make a difference in this nation.

Abortion is wrong on so many levels. This topic is not being handled well and it should be treated better because this solution to unwanted pregnancies is the number one answer and it shouldn’t be. It affects many people and hurts many people too. We should be taking this issue more serious and find more answers to make this an easier solution other than this answer in this nation.