Serious measures need to be taken to give back millions of stolen lives of those enslaved right here in America and all around the world.
College Tuition should be decreasing in price so more people have the opportunities to get a degree.
Which endangered animals should we save and why.
The amount of times people are killed because of stereotypes related to race is shocking. These killings not only affect the lives of those lost, b...
Animal Testing is mistreating innocent animals.
The costs of college tuition is rapidly increasing causing a college degree to become harder to achieve.
Homework in the U.S is at an all-time high and is affecting kids across the country both physically and mentally, it's time to slow it down.
Sexual identity discrimination in the workplace is defined as, “When an employee is subjected to negative employment action, harassment, or denial ...
People are being affected by poverty everyday, and if we don't prevent it, more and more people will suffer.
By promoting the vegetarian life you'll be setting the world up for success.
If schools were to start later in the morning students would improve in school in so many ways.
Students today are facing way too much debt from getting a higher education and it is time to do something about it.
Public schools are having students take way too many standardized tests.
Why concealed carry of a firearm should be legal all over the country.
We need to show young teens that they don't have to edit their photos on social media to be beautiful, by restricting the amount of editing profess...
Teen drug use is something our nation struggles with, and altering our current drug education could make the likelihood of fixing this issue higher...
Whaling is a dangerous and brutal act and if it continues, it will make the species will become extinct.
Everyone needs to be aware of all the environmental problems because most of the issues are caused by humans.
Animal cruelty needs to be stopped and there needs to be more punishment for people who abuse animals.
The amount of violence in video games can affect the behaviors of children and teens.
Legalizing all drugs and supporting addicts will cut out illegal drug trade across America.
Standardized Testing should be greatly changed or ended completely.