Hopkins Intro to Literature & Composition
i think that tutors should get payed by schools to help students who are struggling in school because tutors are really helpful.
Ocean pollution is killing everything!
Women should have a choice to have an abortion without feeling pressured and shamed. In the name of our history, in the past when we fought for fre...
Today many teachers are struggling due to the low pay facing them. We have to help the people who have helped us the majority of our lives and chan...
No one should be treated unequally because of their skin. Our ancestors have sacrificed so much for us to let it go down the drain today.
Millions of people are in crippling debt in this country, and that's something we need to fix.
Abortion is a matter that needs to be dealt with in America.
The effect of drugs on youth is too big to be overlooked.
Listen here buddy, my name is Jac and I want you to think about something other than your iPhone for one second. I want you to look at the other pe...
Women deserve to have more rights are be safe from prostitution!
Deporting immigrants can separate families which hurts children most and who would want that?
The effects of polluting the ocean
Do you know what other people do just to get rid of their enemy's rights for education or just the right to live? Shouldn't all people have the sa...
Deportation is bad for everybody. It is bad for immigrants because they're being separated from their families and it is bad for America because we...
Do you ever see people begging for money and food, with their family or animals on the street? I do all the time. My goal is to make Shelters easie...
Women's rights especially equal pay is important.
Guns are ruining our country... Mental problems and gun dispersal are the key factors to address the problem of Gun violence.
Immigrants would like to provide a better life for their families but would be unable to if they are deported.
Racism has been going on for far too long and has had too much of a bad impact on innocent lives. I believe EVERYONE, no matter what race, deserves...
Free Wrongfully Held Detainees! Independent Inquiry Needed! As a teen what scares me more than fitting in is getting shot or killed without comple...
Homework puts a unnecessary amount of stress on high school students and some schools are even banning it.
Housing is the gateway to most of the problems in the US. Resolve this issue and everything will be much easier to fix.
Teach our police forces right from wrong. Racism and misconduct/brutality in our police forces cannot be tolerated; we should make attempts to solv...
Women should be paid equally. This is about the way women are objectified and the way women have/are being treated around the work place.
Schools need a nutritionist to plan school lunches in order to make them healthier.
Why do people think so poorly of immigrants? The United States was built on immigrants, they are people just like us illegal and legal.
This is my take on the stupid laws of gun control.
Our current rate of carbon dioxide production is going too fast for life to adapt.