Letter to the President
College Tuition
Dear President of the United States,
Free college sounds terrific. Unfortunately, free college would cause more harm than good. I believe that free college is a bad idea because of these three main reasons.The first reason I believe college tuition should not be free is because America cannot afford it. Taxes are already high and this would only increase taxes for taxpayers. For four years of college you would get free tuition, but you would graduate, get a job and pay taxes. The higher taxes that you would pay would essentially be paying for your education and many other’s as well.The second reason I believe college tuition should not be free is because it will decrease the value in going to college. People go to college to major in a field, and hopefully get a job in that field after graduation. If thousands of people are qualified to do the exact same job as you are then there will be a ton of people without jobs. The more people that have the same degree as you decrease the value that degree has.The third reason I believe college tuition should not be free is because free college already exists. If you want free college all you have to do is join the United States Military. The government already gives free college you just have to do something in return to get it.I am a high school senior planning on going to college next year. I will also be paying for my own education. By paying for my education it will mean more to me and I will take my classes more seriously.
Kailee P.