Jaquavious B. Mississippi

Black Lives Matter Movement👮🏿 🔫

I think the government should do something about all of the police violence.

Dear future President,

How do you feel about the black lives matter movement? It is a very BIG issue to me. I think the government should do something about all of the police violence. The police have killed 1,200 American in 2015. In 2016, at least 234 black people were killed.

 The Black Lives Matter Movement means a lot to me. This violence that the police forces has affected the U.S in a major way. I am an African American so I am standing for black lives matter.

I suggest making a law that when the police pull you over, the driver should hold their hands outside of the window. Cameras should be in the policemen cars and shouldn't be able to turn them off and if they do turn them off, they should be fired. Police brutality is just getting outrageous. Police or law enforcement are killing people left to right. Just because they're over everyone in society, they think they could do what they want to others. All of the chaos needs to stop.

  The people of America should feel the way I feel. The situation is dangerous, crazy, and dumb. To me, this is the most major issue in life because no one should be taking other people's lives. How would they feel if one or more family members were taken from them? Americans should stand up for their country.

Aberdeen High School

English III Aberdeen

English III Aberdeen

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