Lizzy D. Missouri

The Future of Education

Being a student in a K-12 Environment I feel as if there is so much more people can do to improve the way the education in schools are run. While I have not put in my raw feelings in this because I would blather on, I have found some reasoning.

                                                                                                                                      November 1st 2016

Dear Future President,

It is of most utter importance that I tell you congratulations for making it into office,but there are issues that I continue to find with the way the country is being run. Being the new leader of our country, I feel it is your job to help make the world a better place for everyone in the most effective and humane way possible. There are qualities that I feel you should possess such as being reliable, a good negotiator, and even knowing that there is more to life than just politics. If this is the case and you do hold these qualities within you, then I want you the solve the problem of the education to our students.

In a survey sent out on Oct. 16th 2016 and closed Oct. 28th, the 3rd most majority (17%) of the responses claimed that “Education to students of all ages” was the most important issue in today’s society. The majority of the people (38.5%) believe the states should be in charge of ensuring proper education, but those who side with the nation are a close second (36.4%). Education is uniquely human. It can be the thing that enables equal rights and equal opportunities. People risk their lives for it every day. (Kamenetz) I believe this is evidence that the President should take education very seriously, and provide a plan forward for ensuring adequate education for all.

A writer for the Telegraph stated, “More than 1.5 million children are still not getting a good education, but the Government and local councils are failing to deal with underperforming schools consistently.” As you should know, the importance of education isn’t always about providing practical instruction, but to learn how to think critically. Your predecessor, Barack Obama, identified this when he said that solving for X isn’t always required to get a good job or be a good parent, but, “You will need to think through tough problems.” (Obama) By ensuring all students have the ability to get a solid education in which they don’t just retain information and forget, you will not only be improving their job prospects, you will be ensuring the health of the nation.

It is clear that the old way of educating is over. The economy isn’t creating jobs the way it used to. Technology has changed the way we communicate. College provides a path to greater education beyond high school, but the path to creativity, communication, collaboration, and persistence is more important. We can not afford to ignore this pressing issue any longer. (Kamenetz) A population who learns to think critically will be better citizens, and will be better at understanding the issues that affect them. In addition, this sort of widespread education can have a strong impact on economic growth. (Hanushek and Wößmann) Quality education promotes discipline. “The greatest rewards come not from instant gratification, but from sustained effort and from hard work.” (Obama) By instilling these qualities in our nation’s students, the country improves.

For this reason, I strongly recommend that you work with Congress to form policy that improves the quality of education our country’s children are given. There is evidence that greater school choice, accountability systems, and direct incentives to teachers and school personnel have promise. (Hanushek and Wößmann) I trust that you will take all current research into account when crafting your education plan.


Elizabeth Daggett

-Truth Without 2016