Developed countries should help improve medical conditions in Third World and Developing Countries.
How does a movement about injustice against black people affect everyone in the nation?
My video is about how our next president should start facing our debt problem. It is a huge epidemic and this issue will only get worse with time, ...
Immigrants shouldn't have to live in fear, they should have freedom to live just like all Americans. Instead of throwing them out we should be help...
Gender Equality needs to progress faster that it is!
In one of the world's wealthiest countries, poverty is extremely prevalent
Problems with inequality have existed since the beginning of this country, and it is time for a change
cancer research isn't getting enough money to become harmless
Examining the lack of funding and medical coverage available to those who suffer from mental illness.
The main reason for all this hate against Muslims is how the media portrays them
The American education system is set up in a way that not only taxes individuals in terms of time, stress, and social ability, but in adulthood, al...
We need more restrictions when buying guns
The use of enhanced interrogation techniques is an issue that is debated by both political parties, but regardless of orientation, people need to s...
This country is too strict towards the people the let in to this country.
teen suicide is an issue that need to be dealt with
Peer Pressure and how it influences us.
The increasing availability of drugs to teenagers, causes early addicts and heartbreak to the family.
I believe that If you have a serious criminal record then you should not be allowed to own any type weapon. If you have done a crime in the past wi...
My essay is involving the extreme actions police are taking, their consequences, and my personal insight as to why this is happening.
Although women’s equality has improved a lot over the years, it is still is a big issue, not just in the United states but globally. Women are gett...
Animals are being abused all around the world.
Protect American's Civil Liberties
Abortion needs to change because there are different ways you could handle a unwanted baby and this is practically murder.
Are students failing the system? Or is the system failing our students? What would happen if we salvaged what is left of a "happy" student? Or even...
Police Brutality has gone far enough.
This is about how people no matter money or race or color everyone should be treated equally. None of those should matter and you need to work for ...
Animal abuse is a serious and sad issue that needs to stop. Animal are being killed and hurt for no reason, it is not right. It needs to be put to ...
I believe that our gun control laws are too soft and that we need to be more strict with such deadly weapons, weapons capable of shattering a perso...
Oncoming issues involving transgender bathroom policies are hitting the United States daily.
There are ways we can help the issue of abortion, now we just have to use them.
How will the next president use the energy options that new technologies have provided to influence the energy of the future?
We, the American people, need a president to unite our country.
My name is Jessica M., I am a freshman in high school, and I will be going to college in the near future. Money is going to be a concern that I wil...
ISIS is a terrorist group that must be stopped. In this letter we explain the biggest issues with them and what you, as the next president, should ...
How Baltimore's homicide rate is affecting the city.
We need to destroy the unfair discrimination against women in the workplace.
Reviews BLM's efforts in managing the wild horse population.
The U.S must focus on our own problems before we get ourselves involved in other countries issues.
This letter is about Abortion, and how abortion needs to be stopped. It also gives examples on how the government can encourage people not to get a...
Controlling and educating the people on animal cruelty.
Everyone knows anything Coldplay touches is sub-par, so why would you let their frontman organize a music festival?
Aleppo is a big problem. We need do to something.
My letter is about animal abuse and ways how this can be fixed. The Actions taken
Do you think Everyone should have HealthCare? Or, should only certain people have it. I am going to explain why Everyone should be able to have Hea...
Prevent illegal immigrants from taking American's jobs.
I am writing to the President to discuss the issue of cancer.
A letter about Abortion and women's rights
Lowering the drinking age would cause much more problems rather than benefiting us.
Marijuana should be legalized in all U.S. states because it would help the economy, it would let police focus on bigger crimes, it would lower the ...
The people that are reading or watching should chose what they want to believe, not the news channels.
The current relationship with the citizens of the United States and the law enforcement is unstable and needs to be improved
Why we need to reevaluate gun laws in America.
I am going to be talking about how Gay Marriage is wrong. I hope this can encourage the next president to stop Gay Marriage. Marriage should onl...
Animal Rights
Minimum Wage
Millions of people suffer from the cost of epipens. I myself do too. I think that it is time to lower the cost of this medicine.
We need the people to work so if they have kids they can buy them stuff to play with and food to eat. If people have no money they will starve with...
Various factors such as climate change and pollution have lead to an acute decline in the ocean's health.
We are owing too many debts to others. We owe trillions of money to other countries which may create problems later on. So, we need to stop owing m...
Discrimination is a problem in the US, but for years, it still hasn't been taken into consideration and fixed.
I think that the laws for allowing someone to purchase a gun should be more strict then they are now. We should be able to trust anyone who buys a ...
Help find a way to end pollution.
3 points addressing this huge issue
Why I believe animals deserve to have rights.
All over the world, animals are being harshly abused for means of food, entertainment, clothes, and scientific testing. The ways that they are bein...
A ban needs to be placed on horse slaughter to stop the pain these innocent horses are put through.
Worthy immigrants should be allowed to become American citizens.
I am writing this letter in regards to Gun Control, and why this country will be more dangerous without it.
This letter describes the world's current usage of nuclear energy and other fossil fuels. It discusses the current methods of energy generation in ...
Gun control has been a serious problem for years and it is time to end it. With simple solutions such as background checks, we can make this world,...
Our future president needs to focus on our generation, because we will make the biggest difference!!
We need to treat all the people living in the United States equally, especially African Americans.
The next president needs to address climate change because it is ruining our ecosystem, our forests, and our natural resources such as The Great La...
We are all littering. We are all hurting animals with our trash.
This letter explains how you should up airport security to reduce terrorism.
Everybody deserves a chance to have a good wage.
This a letter about the cost of college
Wage Gap concerns.
In this letter I will share why college tuition costs should be reduced.
Workers are rejected by several people based on their attire and/or race.
I believe that the rules on gun control can be revised without violating the Second Ammendment
Later School Start Time
Climate change is a big global problem that needs to end now.
Everyone has the right to love and be who they are. We should be equal. We shouldn't be fighting.
Animal Abuse is a big issue in the world. Its only going to get worse if you don't do anything about it.
Online threats encase the world-wide web like they’re viruses. They can seriously make someone suffer due to the feeling of anxiety and concern if ...
Equal Rights for LBGTQ
Dear Future President, I am writing this letter because I believe that homeless animals should be treated equally just like everybody else.T...
College Student Athletes should receive compensation for their contributions to their university.
Illegal immigration is a major problem that needs to be fixed.
We should all be treated equally whatever race we may be.
I think that if you like the food you eat it, so if you eat you make good grades. I think we should be able to make our own menus.
Homelessness in America is a serious problem.
This country needs to address the treatment of transgender individuals.
You must be aware of what is happening around you, especially about something as important and essential as our environment.
Not everyone in the United States who is a citizen has health care. United States appears to care less about health care than other countries. The ...
Schools start very early in the morning.
Puppy Mills should be illegal.