Matt R. Minnesota

Gun Control

This letter is about people having the right to carry a gun. It tells you some of the reasons why we should and shouldn't be able to carry a gun.

We need to allow people to carry guns so they can protect themselves when something bad is happening. “Studies have shown that if a criminal attacks someone and the victim pulls out a gun to protect him/herself then more than 50% of the time the criminal backs away.” "The Right to Carry a Gun." N.p., n.d. Web. We need to give people the right to carry a gun because it will keep them and others around them safe. I think that we need to let citizens of America carry guns because it will help us stay safe and keep others safe.

I think that allowing people to carry guns will help lower crime and let them protect themselves against criminals. We need to allow people to carry guns. This will help people protects themselves when there is a shooting or when they are in danger. “Studies have shown that if a criminal attacks someone and the victim pulls out a gun to protect him/herself then more than 50% of the time the criminal backs away.”. "Gun Control -" ProConorg Headlines. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2015. This matters because it shows us that most of the time when people pull out a gun to protect themselves and/or others around them, the criminals will back away.

Although many people believe that you should be able to carry a gun, others don't think you should. There are many reasons for people not to be able to carry a gun. People say that if guns were not allowed, people would be safer and there would be less death. “If there was more gun control and you didn’t have the right to carry a gun, there would be much less gun deaths such as murders.”. "Gun Control -" ProConorg Headlines. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2015. This matters because people would not be able to get their hands on a gun, therefore, there would be less murder and other gun related death.

The president should make guns legal throughout America because it will allow people to protect themselves against criminals and terrorists. It would connect most to number 10 because there is some people around the world and others that can't. This connects to the UN’s initiative because the US could give some of their soldiers to the UN with more guns. This is a priority because there's too much crime around America and letting people have guns could change that.

Sites Used

"Gun Control -" ProConorg Headlines. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2015

"The Right to Carry a Gun." N.p., n.d. Web

Chaska Middle School East

Mrs. Johnson's 8th Grade Global Studies

Global Studies class letters connecting national issues to the UN's Global Goals.

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