This video is about Abortion focusing on Pro-Choice
Seniors from Minarets High School in O'Neals, CA
Strengthen our borders
I wrote about being an adult at 18 and not being able to drink or have tobacco products.
Letter to the next president
As the President of the United States our country and our future is in your hands.
I did my letter to the next president on Immigration and why I am against it.
Limiting the restriction on guns
I believe that the next president must respond to divisiveness in this campaign and the gridlock in our government.
All letters from this group →
I think that the laws for allowing someone to purchase a gun should be more strict then they are now. We should be able to trust anyone who buys a ...
Global warming is the most pressing issue we face today as a global community yet we focus more on our selves than all of us a whole.
Animals that have done nothing wrong are being abused. We need to stop all kinds of animal cruelty.
Child abuse can take many innocent children's lives.
Stop LGBT+ harassment !
A letter on our population
California policymakers struggle to reform our system of juvenile justice.
Racism is an important issue around the world and it needs to be stopped now.
Global warming is causing lots of problems around the world. If we don’t try to stop it these problems will get bigger.
All letters from California →
Abortion should be stopped. It should not be legal for a woman to terminate her child in the womb because doing so is murder. Those babies are unab...
Why late-term abortion should be illegal throughout the country.
A letter about why Planned Parenthood should NOT be defunded.
Three to seven months gestational abortion should be considered murder.
I am writing about how I am against abortion.
I am here to tell you about the Pro-choice and Pro-life sides of abortion.
Abortion should remain legal because it's part of a women's constitutional right to have control to have control over her own body.
Abortion in America should be illegal. The killing of a person is murder. It shouldn’t matter if a child hasn't taken its first breath of air, its...
Pro-choice side of the Abortion argument in America.
All letters about these issues →