Madison O. California

Abortion Should Be Illegal

Abortion should be illegal because killing a baby is awful

Dear future president,

Do you ever think about having a child.Abortion should be illegal because a baby shouldn’t have to die because of your stupid mistakes baby has a heart and soul also mankind should protect other life whenever it’s possible.

A baby shouldn’t have to die because of your stupid mistakes baby has a heart and soul.In America most people think that in the first three months of a woman being pregnant 61% of americans think that abortion should be legal and 31% think that it should be illegal, but when the mother is in her second trimester americans change their sides and 24% think that it should be legal and 64% think that it should be illegal. To add to this in the last three months of her pregnancy 14% think that it should be legal and 80% think it should be illegal. ( wonderful world of stu )

Mankind should protect other life whenever it’s possible.The first and foremost instinct of humans is the care of life. This starts with a person caring, and extends to all living objects through DNA or the realization of like features. "Pregnancy termination" stops the beating heart of a growing human being and is in direct contradiction to this most basic premise of human nature. (TFP Student Action) It forsakes natural law, and has left America as a country unable to repopulate itself without the aid of mass immigration.(TFP Student Action)

Yes I know that it cost way more to have the baby and getting an abortion is so much cheaper because when you have the baby you have doctors and IVs and maybe an epidural, but it’s a baby the mother and americans are talking about.

So, should a baby have to die because of your stupid mistakes? No.I think abortion should be illegal since a baby has a heart and soul and that should stay like that.. A baby should stay a baby and have a beautiful life after it's born.

 unknown,10 Reasons Why Abortion is Evil & Not a "Pro-Choice",, May 9 2009.