Abortion is a choice to a woman and her own rights.
Abortion is a growing topic in our nation. Millions of babies are dying and it should be illegal.
Dear president, Abortion is one of those things many people don't like talking about, but sadly it's a big issue. Abortions are a matter of ...
Not your body? Not your choice.
Read this to find many reasons why abortion is wrong and should be illegal.
Abortion can prevent lives of misery all over the nation
Women should have access to resources like safe abortions, and testing for STDs, along with other tools.
A fetus is a human not a mistake.
The topic of abortion has caused numerous debates throughout history, and is still in debate today. It seems as if you are either supportive of it,...
Abortion should not be an option for women
If a woman chooses to get an abortion, it is none of your business. You should have no opinion on what a woman chooses to do with her body. But if ...
Babies are not part of a mother's body.
To the Future President: Abortion is against the Bible.
During this letter I am addressing my opinion on abortion and whether I believe if it should be legal or not.
Are you a murder ? Are you killing babies if you are. I think abortion should be illegal
The future of affordable and accessible care is held in Planned Parenthood and its continuation.
I feel that abortion is very wrong and that there is always another choice.
"Abortion has frequently taken center stage in American politics".
Abortion is the biggest issue facing the nation. Women should have a choice in what to do with their bodies.
Dear​ ​Future​ ​President, ​ ...
The President has much more important issues to focus on than Feminism. These Feminists are men and women who claim that women do not have equal ri...
Abortion should be stopped.
A child's life in your hands
Abortion is a big problem that the needs to be addressed.
Abortion is a highly controversial topic. Some believe the fetus has rights so abortion should be illegal, but i believe it is the woman's right to...
Anti-abortion is a problem in America because the pro-life argument is not valid. The pro-life argument would cause many problems we can avoid by n...
My goal in this letter is to announce my reasons on why I personally think that abortion is a cruel thing to do and shouldn't be legal.
Women should have control over their own bodies.
It is not right for the government to make a decision for a woman who has the absolute right to choose for herself.
It is long past time that we correct the issue of gender inequality in America.
We need more orphanages.
Gender inequality is a big problem that affects many people in many ways. It's time we change that.
Women are judged upon what we do. It's our body, not yours or his.
Women have the right to choose.
This is article is about how I feel on abortion and what I believe the president should do about it.
Abortion should be legal for every family that feels it's necessary.
Abortion and why it is wrong
This letter addresses the issue of abortion, and expresses my opinion that it should be a woman's choice and should therefore be legal.
Abortion should be safe, affordable, and legal in the United States.
Don't exclude babies for concerns on personal lives. They are blessings not something for you to throw away when you're having tough times.
Abortion in the United States; how there needs to be more awareness and respect for life.
I am pro-choice
Abortion should not be legal so babies lives are not taken for granted.
Coming up with a consensus
What Abortion means to me and how it can affect women,that do this.
What gives human life such little meaning? How can a child's presence change a life? Can a child born today, be a leader of tomorrow?
Abortion is less an issue of life and more about quality of life.
A letter to the next President asking for equality, respect and hope for the future.
If the United States made it illegal for women to get safe abortions then there would be thousands of unsafe, illegal abortions leading to women hu...
Abortion should be banned in the US because it is an act of murder, it is harmful to the mother, and it compounds tragedy.
Why burn the spark? Ruin the happiness. Kill the Love. It's easy to be pro-choice when you are not the one being killed. Abortion needs to stop now...
Abortion should not be illegal.
I believe that even though can be considered murder, it should be legal up until a certain date.
It is important to keep abortion legal and make it accessible.
Why I believe Abortion is a major problem
My hopes for the economy, and topics on abortion and women's rights.
There is a problem in America that can no longer be ignored and it must be addressed, abortion.
The separation of church and state is too small and needs to change
Women should have the right to receive an abortion because it is their body and they know what is best for themselves and their baby. But many othe...
This letter is my stance on why abortion should remain legal
This is a letter asking the next President to ban abortion.
Abortions should be legal to eliminate backstreet abortions, to provide a situation to solve an unwanted pregnancy (due to incest or rape) and to p...
Women in need of abortion are struggling with being provided a safe, healthy procedure.
There is controversy over whether or not women should be allowed to get an abortion. The power of a woman to have complete control over her body is...
My essay is about stopping abortion and raising minimum wage.
Abortion should be illegal
Abortion needs to be kept a right, and you, next president, can do that by appointing the right Supreme Court Justices.
Many females end up changing their mind about abortion once they hear the baby's heartbeat. Why?
Abortion shouldn't be illegal but there should be a limit on abortion.
Abortion should be illegal.
This letter is about Abortion, and how abortion needs to be stopped. It also gives examples on how the government can encourage people not to get a...
This is a letter on why we need to stop abortion
Abortion is a woman's right.
Even though women have rights, its not right to kill a kid.
Women should not be forced to keep a baby if they aren't ready. The woman who is carrying the baby should have the decision if she wants an abortio...
A letter to end abortion.
The laws on abortion needs to be changed.
There are many reasons the abortion laws should be changed.
Letter to the future President
America's next president should make abortion illegal after five weeks gestation and focus on reforming the foster care and adoption systems so tha...
Abortion should be seen for the hideous crime that it is and therefore be made illegal in the United States. There are other solutions to unplanned...
Disallowing abortion is a problem.
Abortion can let women decide for themselves whether they're ready to take on the role of a mother. Children who are born to mothers who are prepar...
Planned Parenthood, a facility that provides affordable healthcare for men and women nationwide, is being threatened of being defunded due to one t...
57 million people, humans, future leaders able to change the world, dead. Since 1973, millions of babies have been killed through abortion. Many p...
Many people stand for pro-life, however pro-choice may be the better topic to save the women and stand for their rights.
The movement towards furthering pro-choice policies in the United States is one that should not be overlooked.
My point of view on the controversial topic of abortion rights in the USA.
Abortions should be illegal, and here is why.
Abortion should be available to women, while partial birth should not be.
Killing an innocent human being that can not defend itself is not only cruel, unjust, and unfair but it is depriving the unborn of living a life th...
As President it is crucial that you address our nation's crisis regarding abortions.
Abortion Laws
Abortion is a problem that only the president needs to solve. With the help of the Senators and Representatives I believe we can solve this problem.
Planned Parenthood is more than a place for reproductive health. It's a place for freedom.
A letter for the future president about abortion.
Why we have abortion and why I disagree.