Abortion Should Be Stopped
Abortion Is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.
Planned Parenthood should NOT be defunded- it is a valuable facility for many women, men, and young adults who need assistance or a service.
A person is a person no matter how small.
This is a letter addressing my primary concern regarding the issues facing the United States.
Many females end up changing their mind about abortion once they hear the baby's heartbeat. Why?
I wrote a letter to our next president regarding the issue of abortion
Put yourself in these following women's shoes. What if you got raped and didn't want the baby? What if your baby has defects and would suffer being...
Why do women not have the right to get an abortion?
There is a great deal of controversy between the political parties in America over who should be the next president. Through this controversy, many...
Dear Mr. President,
This letter is my stance on why abortion should remain legal
What I believe the next should fix.
Religiously speaking, god had stated that we are not to murder.
Abortion is a very controversial topic that will not be going away anytime soon. It is time that everyone living in a pro-abortion country starts t...
A woman's right to choose is freedom at its most basic.
Planned Parenthood offers affordable quality health care to both men and women, therefore it should continue to be funded by the government.
Abortion should be illegal.
I am pro-life. For many, that is hard to understand, even more to respect, since today many teenagers my age,17, support the practice of abortion. ...
Abortions shouldn't be legal
Taking the life of a fetus is morally wrong and should be illegal.
Dear Next President, Abortion is a complex issue, but it should be a woman's choice. Listen to this Spoken Word piece that explores the various sid...
Abortion should stay legal in the United States. Why would the leader of the free world make a decision that would oppress the women of our nation?
To the Future President: Abortion is against the Bible.
It is long past time that we correct the issue of gender inequality in America.
In this letter I wrote a little about social issues in the U.S, also what we can do to better our community.
Women should have access to resources like safe abortions, and testing for STDs, along with other tools.
Even though women have rights, its not right to kill a kid.
Many states are apply unfair restrictions making it harder for women to make their own decisions and get an abortion.
Many lives are killed everyday through abortion and we need to stop the menace.
I thought America was supposed to be fair and equal. Why do women get to have an abortion, but when a man kills a pregnant woman, he gets twice the...
This essay is about abortion. Abortion is a very heavily discussed topic. I believe abortion is wrong and should be illegal.
Abortion has been a big issue for so many years. There's about 50 million abortions per year. Nearly half of pregnancies in women were unintended ...
Abortion should be stopped.
The concern over reproductive health care rights is ever-increasing, and women are currently being denied the ability to easily access the health c...
Is the school's sex ed system unrealistic??
Why abortion should be illegal.
Abortion is killing a baby that isn't born yet or killing a baby that is being born and it should be illegal in all states.
Roe v. Wade should be defended by whoever takes the Oval Office.
Abortion must be stop, the change starts with you.
Abortion is a very controversial topic. This paper discusses positives and pro choice opinions while also stating facts and showing how abortion is...
My article is about ending abortion
Abortion is a serious problem, even criminal. It needs to come to an end.
Abortion should be illegal
My letter is on the issue of Abortion it will go in depth of how people views are different and how I believe it this issue needs to be address whe...
Imagine you were in a situation where you didn't have any money. You're a teenager with no money and u were pregnant. What would you do? Sometimes ...
When the topic of abortion comes up I do believe that it should be legal and also kept safe.
My name is Avery and I am a freshman in high school. I believe in pro-choice and I think that the mother should have the right to chose whether she...
This letter is about how abortion is wrong and cruel and should be no more. It may not seem like a big issue but this problem effects the world so ...
Women should have the right to decide if they have a child, not the government.
A letter to end abortion.
The laws on abortion needs to be changed.
The letter contains information about making Abortion Illegal. By having abortions it is making it harder for our country to repopulate. Abortions...
I like to mention the few issues that I think about even at this young age of 15. The NSA reading/seeing private information, abortion, lowering th...
Abortion in the US is a growing issue that needs to be addressed.
I am not a person with very political views. I come from a household where current events are not talked about around the dinner table. However, on...
This letter talks about an important issue, that does affect our community, which is abortion.
Abortion can be a pretty tough topic to tackle, considering how touchy it is. Here I discuss the rationale that states there is no need for social ...
In general, abortion should be illegal since it is the murdering of a human being.
Abortion is Bad
My opinion on abstinence, abortion, and adoption.
Women have the right to control their own life.
A woman's right to her own body should hold a higher power than the government or any religious group, especially when it comes to the subject of c...
Abortion is a human right that women deserve to have, and should not be taken away from them.
A letter about why Planned Parenthood should NOT be defunded.
Planned Parenthood and other abortion associations are not the only answer to accidental pregnancies- not only are you ending someone’s life before...
Abortion is a spiteful solution to a fixable problem; it’s taking the life of an innocent child.
Women should be in control of their own bodies--not the government.
Abortion should only be allowed in certain circumstances.
There is a huge issue in today's America with women's rights and equality. Currently, women are not fully equal to men and this needs to change whe...
We need to add certain rules to accommodate pro life and pro abortion sides.
Should abortion be allowed? What determines human life?
Abortion laws need to be changed for better or for worse.
Our nation is corrupt and divided. When it comes to social issues, we become even more separated from one another. We are in need of a change that...
It should be ILLEGAL.
Abortion must be banned
Dear Next President, Women...
Women deserve the same rights that men have.
The topic of abortion has caused numerous debates throughout history, and is still in debate today. It seems as if you are either supportive of it,...
Abortion needs to become illegal because human life begins from the moment of fertilization.
Abortion and undesired pregnancies are becoming more and more popular, and something needs to be done about it.
Abortion is morally wrong and needs to be illegal.
Today, abortion is one of the most controversial topics in America.
my story and my fear
Why abortion should be a choice
Abortion is not the problem, sexual education and its lack of beneficial information is.
Discussing controversies, stories, and facts about abortion and why people who are pro-choice are pro-choice.
Abortion should be made illegal in the United States.
Abortion...why its right
Abortion should be supported because you aren’t killing a baby, some women can’t support the child after birth, and modern abortions are actually s...
For decades, abortion has been an issue that has divided our country. As time has progressed, the issue hasn’t gotten any better. Even after the S...
A fetus is a human not a mistake.
The issues on abortion and possible solutions.
Abortion is the act of taking away a life, taking away a life is murder. So i believe that abortion should be illegal.
Abortion should become less available in the united states.
The right to choose is important in this country.
Dear future president, Making abortions illegal doesn’t stop abortions. It stops SAFE abortions. Pro-Choice is the right choice because it prevent...