Gun Control = 👍
Gun Control is a very controversial topic in the US. There have been many recent mass shootings, riots, and more. If there are laws put in place that make it harder to distribute guns that are incredibly dangerous then I believe it will stop these type of events.
Dear Future President,
Gun Control is a very big topic in the US. I believe that we should have background checks as a mandatory system to check if gun purchasers are bonkers. I also believe that we should put in a law so that all gun owners with kids that are younger should have some way of locking up their guns. Or at least locking up their ammo if they cannot afford a huge safe. Another thing I believe is that banning AR's is not the best idea. I would not ban AR's because they are fun to shoot and many people use them for hunting. Like me. And if you ban AR's its not going to stop mass shootings. They will just use pistols or something else. And many people believe that AR's are mostly used for school shootings. The fact is that they mostly use pistols because they are smaller and less likely to be seen.
Banning all guns is absolutely on of the stupidest things I have heard.I understand when you want to ban guns that are over the top dangerous but all guns is really quite dumb. If this happened then most bad guys could still purchase guns on the black market so now all the crazies would be armed and the good people that want to protect them and their family wouldn't.
My closing sentence is that guns don't kill people, people kill people.