Abortion is a medical procedure that terminates a human pregnancy and results the death of the fetus according to ISideWith.com.
This essay is about the Safety of texting and driving and how it needs to stop. Too many teens are losing their lives over a text message. It is ti...
The education system needs to be fixed.
This letter talks about bullying
Gun control laws in the U.S need some refinement
The price of college is too expensive.
I believe that both sides of the gun policy debates are wrong in their arguments. There should be an equal agreement between the two that restricts...
Why is animal abuse so important and what should our country do to start helping this issue. Animal abuse and animal testing are both in the catego...
Stricter gun control laws won't help.
Abuse in the welfare system is at an all time high.
Racism has always been a topic for centuries now, but I feel like this generation could end it. With a new president, there is always a new start t...
There are solutions for those who are at risk of being deported, but it's up to the ones who can change the law to solve this problem.
What effect it has on the people and how to stop it.
A letter about gay acceptance
School districts and kids who move
Firearms must be further regulated to protect U.S. citizens.
police brutality and racism needs to end
Gun control is a growing problem in America with increasing cases of mass shootings, we need more control and background checks in our country to e...
A look at what needs to be done across the country in the coming years
We are the future and we want someone who will hear us and not separate us from our families.
The rising cost of tuition in Oregon has increased over the past years and has become an issue for some high school graduates going into college. W...
Its a letter stating that racism is a big problem in the U.S. and has 2 examples of racism.
What the solution for school shootings is
Corrupt foster care in the US.
Abortion is wrong and it should be illegal.
We need to banned animal testing because its in humane.
Homelessness is a huge problem in America that needs to be fixed. Future president, what will you do?
Climate change may or may not be a huge problem, but we still do not know, and while we wait for proof, the problem could become unfixable.
Abortion should never be the option. There are other options such as adoption.
The safety net of the American mental health system is failing, and thousands of men, women and children are suffering the consequences.
How climate change is really important and how if we don't do anything we could suffer big consequences.
Dear future President of the United States of America.
Why must the gun right policy be looked at again? It needs to be revised because of the amount of shootings in the past 10 years.
Education in the US
If the United States made it illegal for women to get safe abortions then there would be thousands of unsafe, illegal abortions leading to women hu...
There should be equality between men and women.
What we need to do in order to make college education more affordable and accessible to everyone
Misused firearms
"In order for America to be "great", we need to hear from different types of people. White is not the default."
I believe men and women should be paid the same salary for the same job.
Though gun control seems like a big topic, I see one law changing how a criminal can get guns.
The foster system has many faults. If done well, it can do a lot of good. But if done poorly or not managed, can be a living hell for all people in...
As difficult as it is for poor people to start and finish college, the current school system only drives them further into failure. We need everyon...
Help undocumented immigrants stay in the U.S. and support the families.
High cost of tuition
The cost of college tuition is increasing dramatically and students are having to find different ways for education.
This letter contains information about a big problem in our country that needs to be fixed: Mental Illness
pay equity in the united states is a big problem.
GMO labels are the labels that food producers put on their products to specify it as a food with GMO's. GMO labels should be mandatory among food p...
kids of color are underrepresented in kids books
Homelessness is a major problem all around the world and I do not feel that the president has done enough to solve it.
Poverty in America. Can it be even be looked at?
Tighter laws on who can buy or own a gun.
my letter is about how blacks are untreated in america and things need to change.
Guns are becoming one of the biggest issues to our societies safety and there needs to be major changes to this countries gun control laws.
My letter is about Police Brutality and how it's only favoring whites, and how the justice system isn't equal to everyone
Undocumented immigrants are treated unfairly and are not represented in the way they should.
Gun violence has taken the lives of many undeserving American citizens, and it needs to end.
Hunger is a big problem in the United States and in the world. Stop hunger.
We need to start becoming more environmentally aware in regards to the vehicles of the future.
Gun violence has become out of hand and a norm in this country, let us give guns to the right people who will make wise decisions.
Meat industry needs improvement
Gun control should be stricter.
Everyone in our country deserves to be treated equally.
This talks about immigrants and how we need to help them.
NASA's Budget cuts are a problem and this needs to be fixed.
Things need to change, and you can make a huge impact being the person you are.
Background checks should be revised to be more effective
Laws surrounding incarceration should be less harsh.
The pros of it being made and the cons of it being made
The organization Black Lives Matter has too much power to destroy lives based on opinions and not evidence.
Poor treatment of Native Americans and Alaska Natives is evident in education, poverty rates and job earnings, physical and mental health, substanc...
Rape culture is a huge problem in America that not many people focus on. Our society is teaching young men that their sexual violence is okay and ...
Our current healthcare system is a joke compared to other first world countries.
Women should be paid the same amount of money as men for the same work.
I believe that child hunger is one of the most important world problems currently in the United States of America, I also believe that we can ...
Immigration has been the leading cause in Population Growth in America and is taking the rightful jobs of American Citizens.
Letter to the Future President on a hot topic on Immigration!
We need better gun control.
Poverty in one of the richest countries in the world isn't something to overlook.
College Tuition needs to be lowered.
I discuss the issues that face all schools from elementary to college. It has facts and personal experience/views. It also has a few ideas on ways ...
Child abuse is a serious problem.
Is the media fueling the fire for racism?
There should be more security put into the safety of the american people To keep there information safe in cyber space. There are wars that wage on...
Deforestation affects more than the beauty of our surroundings, but biodiversity as a whole, as well as ecosystem services.
Teachers deserve higher salaries for all of their hard work and dedication
The cost of college is outrageous.
My letter involves firearms for teacher in school. I believe this should be talked about to protect students.
This is about rights and equality.
Schools need a bigger budget to make improvements.
Abortion is not the right decision.
Common Core should be replaced.