Jennifer M. Connecticut

Justice System Inequality

Inequality in the criminal court system

Dear Future President,

There has been an incredible amount of inequality justice in the criminal court

system that has come to light recently with cases like Brock Turner and Corey Batey. I am concerned about the defendants who aren’t serving the right justice for what they did. However, as a nation we need to make sure that all defendants are accountable to the same law.

On social media we see the uproar about Brock Turner’s case and how he didn’t even get held accountable for what he did. On January 18, 2015 Brock raped a women behind a dumpster at Stanford University. Brock was first sentence 6 months in county jail, but then got released early for good behavior and only served 3 mos. However, Corey Batey had done the same and raped a woman, but did torture to the woman and got incarcerated for 15 years. We see here that both young men did the same exact felony, but got held accountable for it in different ways. According to, “U.S. Sentencing Commission, between 2009 and 2015, sentences for black males were 19.5 percent longer than those for whites.” As you see Corey Batey gets a longer sentences than Brock Turner. Although, Brock Turner didn’t even get a lengthy sentence which most Americans would agree too.

Now that you see these two similar cases were given two different punishment you could agree that there is inequality justice in the criminal court system. Yes both defendants had different things that were going through their mind while they were doing this to the poor girls. For example, Turner was really drunk and he was out partying at Stanford. Although, in Corey Batey’s situation it was due to racism and what his ancestors went through that lead him to do that. Even though those aren’t excuses why they both shouldn’t have gotten accountable to the same law. NAACP insists “African-Americans are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of whites.” Here you can see that many African- Americans get more time in prison than Whites and you see that in these two cases.

In order for this not to happen again we should hold all defendants to the same law no matter what. It doesn’t matter if they’re at the best University ever and it will make that school look bad. Also, it doesn’t matter if that defendant has so much to go for because they should’ve thought about that when they were in the act. As a nation we should make sure that people who are victims from this are receiving the correct justice. I would agree on making sure all judges who don’t hold defendants like Brock Turner to the correct law should get their licensed suspended for 6 mos. Also, we could make sure that any of those judges who are going to take a case like that get a full background check and make sure their not connect to the family as well.

As our next president you can make a difference in the criminal justice system and in our nation. I know that changes like this won’t happen overnight, but I do have faith that it will happen overtime in your term. We just want defendants to be treated equally and not unequal over color. We all agreed on having these laws and we should these laws being used in every court case whether a judge has their own opinions on a case.


Jennifer M.