Carson W. Michigan

Illegal Immigration:Solved

Talks about how we need to bulk up the borders, deport illegal immigrants who are felons and to continue legal immigration.

To the Commander in Chief,

In the United States today, about 11 million illegal immigrants reside in the democratic nation and 13.4 percent of crime in the caused by illegal immigrants. So I propose to you, the new president of this great nation to take this into account.increase border control on the Mexico-United States border, deport the illegal aliens that could be potential felons, and to continue to allow immigration legally into this country.

The United States needs sound border control on the Mexican border. most people believe that the border between the united states and mexico is heavily regulated and protected,and others don’t care if illegal immigrants enter this country. Here's why, approximately 52 percent of all the illegal immigrants in this country are Mexican and about 720,000 Mexicans cross the border illegally every year. That means that every five years about 3.6 million Mexican illegal immigrants alone enter the United States. About 8 million illegal immigrants have jobs in the United States according to the Federation For American Immigration Reform. Those eight million jobs could be the jobs of hardworking Americans. That is a very crucial stat considering that the unemployment rate is 4.9 percent and the amount of citizens out of the work force is 37.1 percent. Those eight million jobs could be the last jobs given away to citizens of other countries if we beef up the borders. By securing our borders it allows the U.S. to have open jobs that could have potentially been taken by Mexican illegal immigrants. We already have 20,000 border control workers who monitor our borders yet it isn’t enough to stop the illegal aliens from entering our country every year. We need another method to stop the madness. As a citizen of the United States, I ask you the president to devise a way to keep the Mexican-United States border secure to prevent thousands and eventually millions of people from entering the country.

We need to solve the problem of illegal immigrants already in this country. People say that illegal immigrants don't commit many crimes yet, about 13 percent of crime in the U.S. is caused by people that are illegally in this country. It is impossible to deport all eleven million immigrants, however there is a way to reduce the problem. One proposed solution is that anytime that an illegal immigrant is arrested he/she should be deported back to their country. The complication would be if the suspect had a family. In that case it would depend on if the entire family came here legally and if a child was born in the U.S. If that was the case then the family would be allowed to stay however there will be consequences. Eleven million might not seem like a huge number considering the population of the United States is about three-hundred and twenty million people, yet the number of illegal immigrants in this country is nearly the amount of people that reside in the state of Ohio. As the president, after securing the borders, you could help deport those illegal immigrants convicted of a felony.

Legal Immigration is the reason our country is the way it is and it should still be carried out. Illegal immigration is wrong and everything in our power should be done to stop it, yet legal immigration must be carried out in order to allow citizens to avoid persecution and to live the American dream. With this there are still some vital additions we need to make. Similar to how many citizens want to deal with firearms, we should include heavy duty background checks on citizens entering the country on Visas and those who apply for citizenship. Many great Americans immigrated into this country and helped the nation prosper, like Albert Einstein. Without immigration, we might not have been able to defeat the Japanese with the Atomic bomb. Times are changing and we need to implement a sound system in order to continue immigration and allow many to experience the nation where “the street are paved of gold.” As the president you have the power to make sure that the immigration process is precise and efficient to keep the country safe.

In conclusion, you the commander and chief have the power to bulk up the borders, deport the criminal illegals, and to continue the process of immigration legally. By doing so, you will improve the country’s safety and also allow us to stay on top like we have been since 1776.


Carson W

Clarkston Community Schools

Hausauer 2nd Hour

Second hour Honors ELA 10

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