When does the hashtag stop and the actual movement begin?
The Honorable Future President 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear future President, I am a resident of North Miami, FL and I am a ...
My open thoughts and opinion on what should be focused on during your presidency.
A letter in hope for a change, regarding police brutality in America.
Let's apply some laws to keep our country with the least affects on the active global warming.
We need to put an end to Abortion, Isis, "race war", and Illegal Immigration!
America has had a troubled past regarding the treatment of African American community. To this day, unjustly actions towards black people are being...
You must be aware of what is happening around you, especially about something as important and essential as our environment.
Dear Next president, ...
Basically, police brutality is a common thing that is being protested. Officers get away with murder, and its not ok. Citizens, especially Blacks a...
We are starting new as a country with a new leader and I feel as though it is vital that we don't loose track of what is important, the people.
Change our ways to improve the environment
In this letter I address my concerns of local communities and minorities in relation to police brutality. A change needs to take place and it start...
I am a resident of sunny isles beach and I’m writing you these letter because there is a lack of future vision to what is going to happen to the bu...
Just Like Humans, Animals Lives Do Matter. Animals Help The Environment More Than Humans Do. Help . A Reference From Reference.com Said "Spiders ...
I would like to discuss the sustainable living practices of Americans and how they need to be reformed.
Dont have one
Written for the next president to base decisions on the concept of what America really stands for and not to single out groups of people or general...
The next generation is almost ready to take over, so this nation must be ready for them.
Reliance on coal energy can have large impacts on the health of U.S. citizens. We must bring a new wave of renewable energy to reduce health risks ...
Adding plant-based options into school cafeterias to aid in benefits such as better health and a smaller carbon foot-print. A vegan diet significa...