Worrying going to college and paying a lot of money and then not get a job.
I feel that abortion is very wrong and that there is always another choice.
Education is the most important thing in our society, and it needs to be made a focus.
Dear President of the United States, This country was built on a few fundamental principles. The most important out of all of them, perhaps, is eq...
Change our ways to improve the environment
I believe that the standardized testing should be eliminated because it does not prove a child's mentality and IQ.
Just because you like people of the same gender doesn't mean that your not human.
This letter explains the struggles that the children in this generation go through and how the president needs to address it
Police Brutality is a serious issue in are community's. In case you don't know what police brutality is please see examples of it in the Huffington...
increasing the efforts to continue improving education, which includes investing more on teachers and giving them the recognition they deserve
Dear Upcoming President, You know of the controversy between t...
If you become President I hope you stop police brutality. I am tired of people saying black lives matter, because , in my opinion every ones l...
Over the years NASA has been extremely underfunded and change needs to happen. The understanding of our universe is a crucial pushing point not onl...
Immigration, Equality and Women's Rights.
Dear Next president, ...
We need to stop ISIS before more damage is done.
America has had a troubled past regarding the treatment of African American community. To this day, unjustly actions towards black people are being...
A change needs to be made in the American college application process.
This country was established for freedom, liberty and pursuit of happiness. It's hard to fulfill these thing's if people are being killed because t...
I am writing this letter to talk about the array thing that is animal cruelty.
What actions will the next president undertake in terms of gun control?
Asking for allowance of free speech about climate change
Dear President, I’m a local resident here in Miami, Florida and I have major concern and complaints towards gun safety and gun control. As most U....
My letter to the president is about changing our economy and the ways that our president could fix it before Obama leaves the office and it is too ...
My letter is about the police brutality that is going on in our country.
The majority of recently graduated high school students plan to go to a college of university. The cost of tuition has made it nearly impossible fo...
Basically, police brutality is a common thing that is being protested. Officers get away with murder, and its not ok. Citizens, especially Blacks a...
global warimg is destroying our planet by the day and is getting worse and something needs to be done about it asap
We need to help our homeless veterans.
How are we going to help undocuemented immigrants become citizens of the United States?
It's our time to shine
Discrepancies between low-income and high-income students in American public schools
A letter to the future president regarding health care
My letter to the president has to do with homless veterans and how that is a problem, as well as how thier health is affect due to lack of vaccines...
Dont have one
College tuition is too expensive for students who are willing to attend but can not afford.
One of the most controversial problems in our country: the problem of immigration.
This letter asks the next president to promote the importance of raising awareness and increasing knowledge of mental health on a national stage.
Written for the next president to base decisions on the concept of what America really stands for and not to single out groups of people or general...
Blacks Should Have The Same Rights As Whites.
Student debt is too high
The lives of animals should not be taken for granted. Don't treat them like they're garbage. An animals life is just as precious as a humans.
how are you going to help the country?
Save the new generations of working class Americans from unimaginable debt by sucking up our pride and guns to benefit the people whose tax dollars...
Dear Presidential Candidate, The issue concerning me the most is the Black Lives Matter Movement. This matter has caught my attention because o...
Dear Future President,
Valentina Pavolini
We are starting new as a country with a new leader and I feel as though it is vital that we don't loose track of what is important, the people.
How I Feel About Immigration
This letter is written to explain the importance of providing safe water in public schools at all times.
Abolishment of all kind of drugs in the country.
There must be changes to how we view sexual assaults in the United States to end the rampant rape culture influencing American society.
This letter addresses the problem of invasive species in Miami and how it has destroyed local habitats and ecosystems. If this problem is fixed, t...
Every student deserves to go to a good college but most can't afford it.
The problems about Genetically Modified Food (GMO) and how it should be stopped.
United States Education is neglected in order to focus on other issues harboring the United States. Education used to be one of America's greatest ...
Today in America people of different backgrounds and unique cultures attempt to achieve the life of success through hard work. Only, the road to it...
Animal Cruelty is a big problem today and we should put a end to it.
As a concern resident of Sunny Isles who used to be a an immigrant, I wanted to ask for a more flexible immigration reform who offered jobs tempora...
A letter to the Future President of the United States of America
There are many homeless people who live in the downtown area of Miami. Instead of ignoring them we should find a way to give them purpose. This wil...
Eating a well balanced meal is essential, it's what keeps you going! But are students in public schools REALLY getting just that?
The Children of our world need meals not scooters.
Dear Donald Trump , Although I am young I still have a voice and I feel that you should listen. From all the bogs and social media it seems that yo...
Let's apply some laws to keep our country with the least affects on the active global warming.
Improving the economy is not as simple as following one simple course of action; however, I believe that legalizing the recreational use of marijua...
I would like to discuss the sustainable living practices of Americans and how they need to be reformed.
The title of a song by The Notorious B.I.G. 1997. Even though this just a song, it is true. Our Congress waste money we sometimes don't even have,...
The Honorable Future President 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear future President, I am a resident of North Miami, FL and I am a ...
Abortion is an ongoing problem in America. The problem goes with the part of having fake abortion clinics, and yes we do have these, across America...
There needs to be an adjustment in terms of foreign policy in order for people to feel safe, living their lives.
We need to put an end to Abortion, Isis, "race war", and Illegal Immigration!
The next generation is almost ready to take over, so this nation must be ready for them.
Just Like Humans, Animals Lives Do Matter. Animals Help The Environment More Than Humans Do. Help . A Reference From Reference.com Said "Spiders ...
This is a letter discussing the concerning issue of college affordability.
I am a resident of Miami, Florida, and I am writing because I believe college tuition should be free of cost. 150 years ago, Americans said low inc...
Everyone deserves a chance.
National security is becoming a big issue with terror groups on the rise.
A letter in hope for a change, regarding police brutality in America.
Will we eventually have to resort to Communism?
Minimizing the power of the Electoral College
We need to do something about the lack of police training
A young 17 year old Hispanic writes to the future President to increase budgets for more school programs.
Issue that is needed to be solved in order to improve the economic problem regarding medical system in the US.
A heart-felt plea for immigration reform.
18 year old high school student writes to explain how the education system holds people back from pursuing their passions and leaves room for long ...
A letter to the future president of the United States regarding human trafficking.
The Honorable Upcoming President Dear Mr. / Mrs. I am a resident of Miami, FL and I am writing to you in regards to a problem in my community whic...
This is common sense.
A letter to the future president of the Unites States of America
Education is the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university. It is the basis of a nation. A simp...
A lot of people have had catastrophic experiences with firearms that they did not meant to happen. Guns contribute to domestic violence and it can ...
You must be aware of what is happening around you, especially about something as important and essential as our environment.
Bikers in the Miami-Dade county are using up a car lanes in major streets and highways.
Politicians tend to overlook the issue of Climate Change.