Christina S. California

Healthcare needs Improvement

The healthcare system was created to support the citizens of the United States. However, this system has its flaws.

Dear Future President,

I hope when you are president you will change the lives of people for the better and strive to improve laws. I know there are many problems you will face but I would like you to address this issue. This issue is healthcare for middle income families. Many middle income families have to pay so much taxes and it affects them greatly.

My position on the issue is I think the healthcare system needs to be improved. First, hundreds of families like these had to pay more taxes when the Affordable Care Act started when President Obama approved it back in March 28, 2010. Now, they have been frustrated that they have to pay more than they should be. Also, they have to pay for other expenses such as college tuition. To get the money to help insure all these people, there are new taxes (mostly on high-earners). However, families who have jobs that give them good pay do not qualify for this healthcare and have to get private health coverage.

In addition, young adults don’t usually have serious problems unlike elderly but still apply for this health coverage. This means that they can still receive benefits and have good deals when applying for healthcare.

To conclude, I would like you to improve the health care system for everyone in the United States. Although, it is difficult, improving the health care system won’t just help a small group of people but thousands of families. As the future president, you should always try to make improvements in the healthcare system. These families should not have to pay so much more than they should have, therefore address this issue during your time as president.


Christina S.


Lakeview MIddle School

Woods Period 1

This is Ms. Woods's first period class.

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