Nathan B. Arizona


concussions should be evaluated more

Dear Next President,

Congratulations on becoming the next president of the United States of America. You deserve that position more than anyone and hopefully you can make a difference and change things in the U.S. I am glad that you are the next president and address some very important issues that our country is having in this period of time. I hope you can keep to your promises that you made when you spoke to us, to make this country great again.

An issue that American sports are having is concussion issues with players in all levels of sports and all different types of sports. They start when they are little younglings and grow up and play throughout their whole life and concussions take a toll on their life after sports. If a kid that has barely played sports and is not fully grown gets a concussion, it can impact their life forever. Concussions are the most common injury is sports because it is such a simple injury but can affect the way someone lives. There Has been over 173,000 concussions between 2001 and 2009 with kids all under the age of 19 years old (webmd). When someone gets a concussion, their brain moves inside their skull and bounces around. When you sustain one, you can feel dizzy and nauseous, vizion distorted and can not balance ( There are three different stages of a concussion, stage one, two, and three that all have different symptoms. If a person has stage three concussion they can lose consciousness for a few seconds. After someone experiences a concussion they can have memory loss, concentration issues and trouble thinking. A way to prevent a concussion is using protective equipment such as a helmet or keep their head of out play (webmd). Even wearing a bike helmet can lower the risk of getting a concussion substantially. Playing the game right and following the rules can also lead to a lesser chance of getting a concussion. One of the most physically demanding sports is boxing because blows are constantly being hit to the head, and it is apart of the game to constantly hit someone in the head and knock their opponent out. Wear a seatbelt when in a car helps prevent a concussion if ever in a car crash (webmd).

Their should be further research done to see exactly how to prevent a concussion. Their should be proper techniques taught at a young age so when they grow up, the number of concussions is less. Keep the head out of the field of play and use the shoulder and arms more often instead of leading with the head.

I play football and concussion really impact the way the players who do have concussion affect them in the classroom. They can barely pay attention because it hurts their head to, and their grades slip because they can not comprehend what they are learning. People use their head to much when trying to tackle someone or run someone over. One of my friends has 23 concussions and can never play sports again because he can have permanent brain damage.


Nathan Bucko

Horizon High School


Dual Enrollment American History

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