Molly Michigan

Orphans and Foster Children

We need to focus on finding homes for orphans and foster children.

Dear Future President,

Congratulations on becoming our next President! There is an issue in our country that I would like to address to you: orphans and children in foster care need parents to care for them and love them. “Most of the children in foster care are not infants. Just over half are age 10 or under and only 4 percent are under age one. Twenty-eight percent are age 11-15, 16 percent are 16-18 years old and 2 percent are age 19 or older.” (AFCARS) This clearly shows that there are many kids in foster care without parents, and a lot of them are younger than age ten. I feel very strongly that the kids out there without homes should be given a home and people should work to their full extent to get them into the home they deserve. According to Fran Churchill from USA Today, “Our son entered foster care at age 3 and spent the next six years living in numerous homes before coming to live with us at age 9.” This boy was in foster care for 6 years. That is actually not a long time, compared to kids who spend their entire lives waiting for a loving family that will love them and treat them like they deserve. I believe that orphans all over the world should have a family to love them and care for them like they deserve.


Molly H.

Works Cited

"Consider child orphans within USA." USA Today 18 Jan. 2005: 11A. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 25 Oct. 2016.

"Overcome language barrier when adopting overseas." USA Today 13 Apr. 2007: 10A. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 25 Oct. 2016.

Marshner, Connie. "Foster Care and Adoption Are Preferable to Family Preservation." Adoption. Ed. Mary Williams. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2006. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "Reform the Nation's Foster Care System Now." 2005. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 25 Oct. 2016.