My letter touches on the many forms of inequality in the US.
Abortion should be made illegal in the United States.
I believe that even though can be considered murder, it should be legal up until a certain date.
Bullying is bigger than what we think it is.
We need to stop violence in our world
Discrimination plays a common negative role in today's society, a matter we must change for the world's progression.
Gun control should include extensive background checks and stopping people from obtaining them illegally but it should not include the restriction ...
College prices are too high and need to be lowered.
As a country we loose millions of dollars a year in hacks. Via government or personal security breaches.
This video is about college tuition. The next president should address this issue.
America needs to fix issues within the country before focusing on those who try to enter. By changing America's structure and fortifying, it can le...
We can no longer ignore this issue.
Just how long should an animal stay in captivity? And should humans be allowed to use wild animals for entertainment purposes?
Not all families can afford college in the US
The importance of better gun control and regulations.
Dear Future President, When you were little, what did y...
America needs to prevent illegal immigration.
Marijuana is a very safe and helpful drug for people.
Using pacifist methods to stop an ever growing problem.
The United States needs to do more to protect our wildlife and forests.
This letter is mainly asking for some type of relief for the mothers and other family members of those who have been a victim of Police Brutality. ...
My letter is about how racism is everywhere and i want it to be stopped.
This letter showcases why we should not send troops to other counties.
All illegal immigrants deserve the same opportunities as American Citizens and should not be discriminated because of their race.
Has the thought of calling the authorities for these innocent animals ever cross your mind? Do you really want to let these animals suffer in anima...
Letter about leadership
Monitoring what women and girls wear is a common practice in schools, churches, and places of work. Within the past five years, women around the wo...
Is a right that women should have because it involves their bodies. And it shouldn't be taken away by anyone. My letter gives the reasons why.
Gun control can easily be handled with the help of our president. The involvement of the president is very important to the lives in the US. The de...
A college education is cost too much for middle class and lower class families to afford
If we can work together to start World Peace, then everyone would be much safer.
The wage gap is a prime issue for women equality, but did you ever think about BOTH of the genders?
The President of the United States is responsible for fixing a plethora of national and global problems.Global warming is an issue that cannot be i...
Police officers only have to have a high school diploma to get a gun and a badge. Is that really safe? The media says it is not, and studies have s...
my story and my fear
What I want to say to the future president
Abortion is not the right decision.
Bullying has become one of the most common things for young individuals throughout their school years and is one of the most devastating things in ...
In Adolf Hitler’s reign 11 million people were ordered to be executed. In this large number where 6 million people who practiced the jewish religio...
Students had decided not to go to college because college tuition has significantly increased over the past years.
The destruction us as humans are poses to our environment can no longer be ignored, and ridiculed in politics. Global Warming is a serious issue an...
Please fight against climate change
We need to help the people of divorce.
America needs to stop eating fake food.
Problems with the Electoral College
I think illegal immigration is a big problem in our country and we need to fix it.
Reasons why women should always have the option of abortion.
How the government should leave sports how it is
This letter is about Circus Animal Abuse.
Immigrants struggling to come into the U.S.A is a very big problem. We can do something about it by changing the immigration situation in America.
Do you think house prices are absurd in the United States? I do too along with many other people.
A letter by Jose pagan discussing the issue of gun violence.
Standardized tests play a tremendous role in what college we get into. Should our futures be so dependent on one score?
The cost of education is immensely high for those who value their education and wish to continue.
More Gun Control would reduce more deaths
Immigration laws need to be made more leniant to become legal.
There is an issue in America of animals being abused, not being treated well and being killed every 5 days. Other animals live in pain and fear, ab...
Our future president needs to focus on our generation, because we will make the biggest difference!!
Cancer is a serious problem in the world.
Abortion is bad.
The minimum wage is not enough to live off of. It does not provide people with a life they deserve to live and doesn't even provide them with suffi...
The basis of this letter inquires of what policies each candidate stands for, and if they intend to remain sound in their decisions. This letter al...
Homelessness is a re-occurring issue in the U.S everyday. Over 600,000 people go without a home everyday. They are left to fend for themselves wi...
College is a great thing, but I believe its time to lower the cost. Students need to focus on learning more. We can solve this issue with your help.
Rape is something that has been frequently increasing, which is why I believe there should be more awareness on it.
I speak about sexual abuse on women and how it is unacceptable for men to do this. Also, I speak about what the future president needs to do.
We need to keep the 2nd Amendment to protect my rights and also yours to bear arms.
This is my opinion on terrorism and what should be done about it.
On average kids are assigned 17.5 hours of homework each week. About 45 million kids play a sport and 6 out of 10 participate in extracurricular ac...
I'm going to talk about why LGBTQ+ equality is extremely important to our country.
Women deserve the same rights that men have.
We need more gun control in America so it can be more safe
The police need to stop violence because it is affecting our community!
The price of Epi-Pens has skyrocketed in recent months, with no reasonable explanation or cause as to why this happened.
What the president can do to help women in the U.S and what is happening.
I wrote an essays and gave my friends and family a survey to take. Do you really know whats behind gun violence?
13.1 million children throughout the United states are dealing with starvation everyday. Our future generation lies in our hands, we need to help s...
Since September 11th there has been an increase in airport security, but is it enough?
Global warming has the potential to ruin economies and ecosystems as a whole.
Air Pollution is a major problem in our world today and is starting to affect not only the environment, but us.
I wrote this letter to try and convince you to abolish the death penalty.
Gender Wage Gap is a concern to many to this day. Women, of all race, are still paid less due to their gender. Women could work the same job a man ...
A friend told me that wisdom is a lot different than smarts. I wanted the political party representatives to realize that KNOWING what to do as pot...
Puppy mills are unhealthy and inhumane please help stop puppy mills all puppy's deserve a good home.
Dear Donald J Trump
Abortion can be a pretty tough topic to tackle, considering how touchy it is. Here I discuss the rationale that states there is no need for social ...
By investing in our youth, we are investing in our future.
A letter that addresses the fight against technology, the war against Generation Z, and the statistics to support a revolution.
11/7/2016 ...
This letter talks about racism and what we can do to end it together to re-unite America as one people again.
Drugs are a concern and should be scrutinized further so the President solves this issue.
War is NOT something we want right now.
What is being done about terrorist groups as I am scared of the affects of the groups
Drugs should be illegal/banned.
When will tuition get cheaper? How much higher will the cost get? These are just some of the questions parents think when they look the cost of the...
Unemployment rates are increasing because not enough people are going to college.
Sexual assault is something that needs a more serious punishment. The person who is getting arrested for sexual assault on average only spends a ye...
Planned Parenthood and other abortion associations are not the only answer to accidental pregnancies- not only are you ending someone’s life before...
Police officers can often misuse their own power to bring fear to the black community and other minorities.