My paper is about how veterans are homeless and trying to get back on their feet.
We need to destroy ISIS. They are a big threat.
A satire article that talks about the issues on gun control. Also, on why we don't need them.
There are so many accidents, including distracted driving, because people don't pay attention to the road.
Child hunger is a big problem in the U.S. and we need to put a stop to it.
What needs to happen to stop people from driving while distracted
Is our military debt getting too big ?
The cost of college tuition has continued to rise since 1975.
Debt is a problem our whole country is facing, even the citizens!
We need to focus on finding homes for orphans and foster children.
This letter is about helping Homeless Veterans, why we should help them, and how we can help them.
America's gun control problem is way out of hand.
How homelessness effects people and how we should fix it
Why texting and driving is so dangerous
Schools should start later so that students get much needed sleep.
Women don't get treated fairly in the United States. Take a stand.
Abortion should be against the law and here is why.
Why is the death of a baby abortion in some cases, but murder in others?
This letter is suggesting that texting while driving should be done away with.
Police are treated like dirt. I want to change that.
Littering needs to be enforced and have more consequences because people who litter don't realize how bad they hurt Earth.
Guns can be dangerous, but with the right laws they can be kept out of the wrong hands. Not everybody who commits a crime is unworthy.
Reasons why women should always have the option of abortion.