Ian K. Washington


Marijuana is some what dangerous drug but It can be used for good.

Cody U. and Ian K,

Olympia, WA

3 November, 2016

The Next President of the United States

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Next President,

In the late 1930s, The plant marijuana as known to many as weed, grass, and many other aliases, was sold, grown, bought and smoked is the U.S. legally. Between now and then, many things have changed, making usage of marijuana restricted, or just straight out illegal.

Many problems have arisen from the toxin, including death. In 1976, the estimated number of people who have died from a Marijuana related incident in 1976 was about 10. Some say Marijuana is a mind distorting drug that gives the user a false reality and makes them think that they don't have to be a part of society. But marijuana has been compared to potentially dangerous drugs, such as alcohol or tobacco, that still remain legal.

But marijuana has also acted as a sort of pain/stress reliever, helping cancer patients and others who have chronic pain or disease. If marijuana was legal, we could help relieve, or possibly even save cancer patients from their disease.

The narcotic doesn’t need to be recreational. Medicinal use would be perfectly acceptable

U.S. President Barack Obama (a former user of the drug) stated that he opposed the legalization of the drug but later said the unreasonable prison sentences for the drug should be brought up which indicated his support for medical marijuana. .


Cody and Ian

Works Cited

“Drug Trafficking.” ABC-CLIO Solutions, ABC-CLIO, 2016, issues-abc-clio-com.ez.trl.org/Topics/Display/913362. Accessed 4 Nov. 2016.

“Legalization of Marijuana: An Overview.” Points of View Reference Center, EBSCO Industries, Inc., 2016, web.b.ebscohost.com.ez.trl.org/pov/detail/detail?sid=7a4b546b-4fa8-46c9-835d-d08be60caf69%40sessionmgr107&vid=1&hid=107&bdata=JnNpdGU9cG92LWxpdmU%3d#AN=23554883&db=pwh. Accessed 2 Nov. 2016.