Equal Pay for all
I want there to be equal pay for my generation, and I'm willing to fight. I say, if it does not matter whether you are Asian, African American, European, or American, it should not matter if you are a girl or a boy.
Dear Future President,
I went to the polls tonight with my dad and I watched him fill out the ballot. I saw what he supported, what he cared about, and which president he voted for. It was exciting.
I saw how many people were coming in and out, different ages and races and genders, all doing the same thing: improving their country.
The election is important to me because each president has his/her own personality and handles situations differently. If I knew who you were, my letter might be different. But since I don't, I'm going to tell you what I feel, as a girl living in the United States of America.
As I looked through the ballot with my dad, I saw many different things. Things like soda taxes, bus regulations, health care information, and even some things on prescription drug prices. But one thing I didn't see on the ballot was anything about equal pay.
I have sent letters to Obama, Joe Biden, Dianne Feinstein, and other government members. And they have all been about the same thing: Equal pay.
As a girl, this is important to me. I know that woman work as hard as men do, and deserve the same pay. This will effect me one day, if we don't change things now.
Years ago, woman fought for the right to vote. It took them many years, but if we start the fight now, my generation might be able to have the same pay as men.
I say, if it does not matter whether you are Asian, African American, European, or American, it should not matter if you are a girl or a boy.
Thank you for your time,
Gracie Couden