Chloe M. New York

More Jobs

We need more jobs for the U.S.

October 24. 2016

Dear Next President of the U.S.A.,

I believe that we should have more jobs in America. We need more jobs for unemployed people. Also for future generations and people out of college. More and more people become unemployed every day. I want to know that my sisters and I can have a job for us when we get out of school. Even older people still need jobs.

My dad got fired from his engineering job because a younger person wanted that job. Older people shouldn’t get fired for younger people too. Most people still have kids and a family to provide for. I know my parents do.

Even if it’s an internship they can still get payed for doing it. Every citizen deserves a chance at a job. We can’t just fire them so younger people have jobs.

Everyone needs a job. They need a chance to make money. I want everyone to have a chance and a second chance. They shouldn’t make them retire or lay them off to early. Unless there really bad a there job. Some people need a job for a longer period of time


Chloe M