Inequality in schools
Schools should be equal and every kid deserves an equal chance. Inequality in schools is not fair because other students are getting better opportunities because of their gender or race or even if they are rich or poor which is unfair.
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Dear Next President,
Young Children and students in school are our future as a nation. That is why I don't understand why everyone in the nation does not have equal educational opportunities. I propose to you that you can fix this and give everyone an opportunity in our wonderful nation to have equal opportunities as everyone else.
Every school and student should be equal because then everyone will have equal opportunities to prove themselves as a student and person. It is proven on that public school classrooms range from from 25-30 when private schools range from 15-20. What this tells me is that you have to do is to pay for your student to be as equal as others. I believe this is unfair because our nation is about equality and having equal opportunities when that doesn't happen between poor, and rich people.
Schools are very unequal across the country and it has been proven by which says that black girls were suspended at higher rates than all other girls and most boys. This is not acceptable in our nation because everyone should be equal and deserve a chance to learn. This is completely unfair because these students aren't even getting a chance to learn because teachers and administrators are racist and sexist.
Schools in America have been proven unequal time after time. Rich private schools are able to get more than public schools because students have to pay to get into the school which gives the school more money and to spend more things. Since these schools have more money they can afford more teachers and have less kids in each class which is unequal so they are more focused on. Private schools can also afford more supplies and better supplies for their students.
Although schools need to be more equal it takes away the amount of competitiveness to get into schools if everyone is equal. This could also be a bad idea because of the amount of money that this would cost trying to create equal revenue for every student in America. Another flaw to creating equal schools is the amount of hate the private schools will have because they bring in the revenue on their own.
Next president I hope that you realize that this country needs a change, a change in equality. That is why I propose to you possibly school of choice because then everyone will be able equal and nobody will have to pay extra money for schools. I also propose that you make it so that the money earned by every school is distributed equally so that every student has an equal chance of being successful in their life.
Sincerely, Ethan