Belen Minnesota


Start educating the children around the world who are in low poverty, because children should go to school and get educated.

Dear Next President,

My name is Belen Chaparro and I live in Minnesota. My request is to start educating the children around the world who are in low poverty, because children should go to school and get educated to know and learn about the world, so they can teach the next generation or become who they want to become.

100 million young women in non developing countries are not able to read one sentence. Between war many schools are destroyed and children's education are destroyed.

Children have to walk to school at 5am and walk home/get home at 7pm. Some teachers that are untrained have a higher risk of letting the children fail but only learn the basics math and language skills.

Children with really poor poverty don’t have a school to go to. Children with no classrooms don't get a decent education. Millions of children are out of school because of their disabilities. Therefore children should go to school and at least get some transportation or some bikes and show them how to fix it and give them some food/school supplies.

Here are some ideas I have to achieve this request. My first idea is to start a fundraiser. Get the amount of money to buy school supplies and some food and/or to build a decent school. Next to get some transportation so they can get to school. I suggest to teach them how to build or fix their bikes. Finally is to at least give the children some fun like give them football, soccer ball, or a basketball and a hoop, some jump ropes, etc. It might seem like a lot of money but I’d rather to participate in this project than lack of education.

Now that you all this I hope you can take this request and actually happen to give the children a happy life. Thank you for time.


Belen Chaparro, 10th Grade

West St. Paul, MN