Ms. Imm's American Lit classes
We need to make people understand the guns are dangerous and not something you want to play with.
Most immigrants try to cross the border and they die trying, leaving their family and dreams behind.
ISIS has been causing a lot of damage around the world and I think we should stop them before they get ahead.
Puppy mills should be outlawed in all states
My plan is to help immigrants and refugees get an education so that they can get a better job. They don’t get any education when they come to Ameri...
Physical bullying increases in elementary school, peaks in middle school and declines in high school. Verbal abuse, on the other hand, remains cons...
Health care is a serious issue that many have difficulty affording one plan for themselves.
College tuition is rising and a lot of people cannot afford it. The cost for college should be lowered so more people can have the opportunity to g...
We have to put a stop to child abuse. Too many kids are dying due to it.
Pharmaceutical companies focus more on making money than helping with people's health.
There is way to many homeless people in the US and we need to do something about it.
This letter is about immigrants moving to the U.S. who doesn't have their citizenship.
Many football players suffer repeated concussions causing them to develop CTE later on in life. This should be stopped.
The big issue on how the people want a healthy homing and environment and fleeing from an unhealthy environment
Once you finish college, after all the stress and sacrifice, the downsides to college are still there. The debts that you build up from college sti...
My letter to the president about the facts of the legalization of medical marijuana and why it should be legalized.
According to The Manhattan Institute, many economists have shown that immigration increases the salary of Americans...
Our gun control laws need to have more restrictions and to make sure guns don't end up in the wrong hands. We need to require a mental illness test...
CTE is a problem for NFL players. Many players have died from it and we need to find a solution to stop it.
Women should be paid equally as men.
Animal agriculture is negatively affecting our planet and our health, along with killing billions of animals a year. I believe you can help.
We should decrease the population of homelessness and hunger in the United States.
Police need to have more training and supplies so they can protect us and themselves better.
Animals shouldn't be in captivity. Instead they should be in their natural environment and not locked behind glass or bars.
For years and years, men have been getting paid more than women for doing the exact same job. We need to change that.
Something the president can do to prevent Adolescents from getting bullied. Is to tell teachers to communicate more with the kids that have experie...
Those in the SAGA (Sexuality and Gender Acceptance) community are being denied employment rights and we need to fix it.
Americans have volunteered to go into the military branches (Army, Navy Seals, Air Force etc.) for 43 years, and we now have 1,354,532 in those org...
Start educating the children around the world who are in low poverty, because children should go to school and get educated.
I believe we need to make becoming a citizen easier for immigrants. We need this for many reasons, which I will be talking about in this letter. Al...
Homeless veterans need to be brought in off the streets so that they can be safe.
My family has many firearms that were easy to purchase. If it was so easy for us to purchase them what is stopping someone else from purchasing one...
In this letter I express my concern for gun control.
The next President should be aware of the possibility of nuclear weapons.
Recidivism is when a person relapses into criminal behavior. When someone "relapses" it means they are returning to jail. By having felons go throu...
Child Protection Services should be strictly evaluated, and hire caseworkers that will be serious about their jobs for checking in on children who ...
Some people do not believe global warming is real and it is just a myth, but all the facts suggest it's not and it's a very serious problem in the ...
Abortion should be illegal.
Illegal immigrants are costing the U.S. money and our jobs.
Immigration is a debatable topic. It’s controversial and a lot of people have different opinions about it. Here’s mine, i think we should have an i...
A lot of people all around the world lack or don't have any education at all I have always been interested in this topic because I believe that it ...
Police brutality have always been here but recently it has gotten out of hand. Innocent people are dying in the hands of police who use their badge...
This topic is about how police/Border pPatrol are being really brutal towards immigrants that are coming to this country for a better life.
College debt needs to be fixed.
According to “The State Minimum Wages” post, people are taxed 10% to 39.6% which means that this benefits the wealthiest people that earned way mor...
About how polygamy should be stopped, how polygamy works and how it affects people.
In the U.S it costs a lot of money to go to college and to me that’s a big problem. Most people here don’t have the money to send their kids to col...
Pollution has become a huge problem in our country over the years. It doesn’t only affect one person, it affects everyone in the U.S. It can cause ...