If your going to become the next president of United States you need to do something about the immigration.
Dear Future President,
If your going to become the President of United States you need to do something about the immigration. It is one of the most divisive issues you need to do as a president. The United States has a lot of foreigners, attracting roughly 20 percent of the world immigrants population. There is about 11.3 millions of immigrant living in United States without a legal status.
59 percent say immigrants strengthen the country through their hand work and talents. Hillary Clinton supported president Obama executive actions to provide deprotation relief to eligible undocumented immigrants.Clinton also support a five fold increase from 10,000 to 65,000 in the number of Syrian refugees to allow to enter United State.
Donald Trump had made a tough immigration policy one of his cornerstones of his campaign. Donald promised to depart all 11.3 millions undocumented immgrants. Donald accusing them of stealing jobs from United States citizen. One of this plan is to build a U.S to Mexico border wall
Sincerely Damasabi Mae
From Indiana