I am writing about police brutality and how it is wrong.
A letter to the president to solve the problems that come with the high costs of college
Improving the United States Justice System.
Dear future President of the United States of America, Will your opinion of the issue of Free College really benefit American Citizens? Or will it...
There should be no curfews in all cities in the United States
Immigration is a debatable topic. It’s controversial and a lot of people have different opinions about it. Here’s mine, i think we should have an i...
This letter is about transgender bathroom policies at schools.
Animal abuse is a big issue in all parts of the nation, but for some reason this is not being taught about in schools. If kids do not learn about t...
My letter covers the topic of safety on college campuses to spread awareness. It uses sexual assault as an example going on right now.
Black Lives Matter is a group that protests the police, but in the process they are breaking laws. Black Lives Matter could be better than they are...
This police brutality needs to be stopped in this country. But what shoud we do about this?
The school system of the US is stressful.
Let's enhance our safety as a country through saving the lives of innocent people by getting more gun control laws to regulate legal guns.
Homework is not benefiting students as much as it should. In fact, it could be harming them.
School should be year-round because many kids lose their intelligence over a summer break.
Privacy from the NSA
Teenage mental health affecting education
Today, this issue has escalated in recent years in violence against enforcement officers, as violence committed against civilians.
How schools have been breaking the First Amendment of the Constitution for decades without anyone knowing it by teaching evolution to their students.
We need to find better food options that kids will like and give bigger servings that will fill them up.
Police need to have more training and supplies so they can protect us and themselves better.
Abortion and police violence needs to STOP.
The average start time for public schools in the U.S. is 8:03 am, too early for students to properly learn.
We are living in fear in way too many ways.
As the President of the United States of America, your central focus over the next four years must be united the nation's citizens once again.
Police brutality have always been here but recently it has gotten out of hand. Innocent people are dying in the hands of police who use their badge...
Why there should be even more strict laws about drinking and driving.
Child Protection Services should be strictly evaluated, and hire caseworkers that will be serious about their jobs for checking in on children who ...
This letter is about the issue of police brutality. It gives reasons on why this issue is so important right now and how to fix it.
This letter talks about the problems with Police Racism.
Gun Violence is a huge problem in the United States of America. People die each day from a firearm and needs to be stopped.
We are living in a dangerous world due to terrorism
Students of color are unevenly distributed throughout education
This is my take on how school funding should be done.