American borders need to be watched more, and not let illegal aliens come over and doing nothing but hurt American families that pay taxes.
Letter to the next president
Mexican Immigration to the US
Is it really fair to kill criminals when some are proven innocent? If we kill them are we really any more morally correct than those who committed...
I think illegal immigration is not a good thing in the U.S right now. I will be telling yo statistics and on why it helpful and why it's not a god...
100th's of people are dying while crossing the border to feed their families.
My article's topic is about "How Trump Will Deal With Immigration", and what will he do to keep immigrants out ?
Letter to the president
We need to review the death penalty.
I did my letter to the next president on Immigration and why I am against it.
Undocumented People in America
This letter is to Donald Trump about the wall and deportation.
I believe we should eliminate the Death Penalty because the Death Penalty is incompatible with human rights and human dignity, and because killing ...
Illegal immigration
We need to be stricter on people coming to our country.
A Huge Problem
Immigrants need papers.
I am an openly lesbian student at Aptos Middle school in San Francisco, California. I am writing from Ethnic studies and my future aspirations are...
My letter is to the President of the U.S about immigration. I think that illegal immigrants are fine and America needs them. They are the people wh...
This is what I think you should do as president.
America is a country of illegal immigration.
Illegal Immigrants who came over to America when they were under 5 should be able to become a citizen of America
This letter is about the non effective and economically draining death penalty system and how it needs to be reformed.
Illegal immigrants benefit the economy in our country, therefore it is essential that the government comes up with an easier way for illegal immigr...
Death penalty is inhumane.
Capital punishment is just an excuse we make so that we can take revenge. Killing is a huge step backwards for mankind. Therefore, the death penalt...
The death penalty is unfair, unconstitutional, and ineffective. This needs to change.
Give to the latin culture more opportunities to get in the USA by giving scholarships to the best students
Many things happen that we need to help out as much as we can.