Sophomore English class in the magnet program of John H. Francis Polytechnic High School in Sun Valley, California.
We need to work together to make our country, our home great again.
Poverty needs to come to an end.
funding education rather then prisons
The inequitable payments for people who are saving lives, helping others in need, who are getting paid less than jobs such as playing in a sport.
With increasing tensions between Russia and The United States, how will our next President handle these problems and what course of action will he ...
I am talking about two problems that I believe the upcoming president should address which are immigration and homelessness.
Climate change is becoming a big issue and no one is changing for our future. What will you change?
We should have more youth centers in Los Angeles where kids can come and feel safe.
There are two things that are bothering me right now: Discrimination and Violence
There's a stereotype that needs to be changed, girls can do whatever they want without having people judge on the way we do certain things.
Cigarette companies are harming our community.
Do their plans benefit us as a country?
There are many homeless and they need a place to stay.
School Funding
I'm afraid to be who I really am
It needs to be more equal and fair
Over the years I have noticed that areas where people don't have a lot of money are pushed to the side and not taken care of and the areas that are...
So many homeless people from veterans to children to elders , dozen in ever city. So many things we could do to help but we don't. It's heart break...
In a country full of rights and opportunity, I beleive some people should not have access to guns due to their state of mentallity.
Animal abuse is a problem, we can not get rid of it but we can minimize it. All animals doesn't matter their size are getting abused or aren't get...
We should stop deforestation to protect animals as well as nature
I'm a 15 year old and i haven't payed enough attention to the election. I don't have to vote so i shouldn't worry about that but this is my country...
Sometimes the world may not be as perfect as it seems.
How can you improve a policemen life
What i feel that needs to be changed