Lucero Aguilar-Aguilar California


I feel that immigration should be a top issue in the country because it affects kids and the parents that remains in the U.S.

Dear Future President,

I feel that immigration should be a top issue in the country because it affects kids and the parents that remains in the U.S. This disturbs me because many families are being separated for something they haven’t done. Deportation has affected many people and America, it has become a big impact around the world.

Many parents are being affected because of deportation, deportation has been destroying families in many ways. Money has been one of a top issue because with only one support it doesn’t pay all the bills. Parents having 1 or more kids it makes everything so much harder, the kids may be the only hope they got but with not much money they make, it complicates everything. Many parents may also suffer of depression. They suffer of depression because they don’t have the extra support they need. A family member of mine has also struggled of depression, she had her husband taken away, he got deported for no reason; he was away for five years and during those five years it was a struggle for the family the mother was thinking of going back to their country because they are in fear that any of them can be next. A solution I have for this is to be careful on the raids and be careful on who gets stop while driving.

Kids are being affected due to deportation because of family separation. In a website called it states that, “children with deported or detained immigrant parents face difficulty accessing early education, healthcare and social service, a new study from the Urban Institute and Migration Policy Institute has found.” which leads me to believe that kids with immigrant parents don't get much opportunities. There is 5 million U.S. children with at least one parent who doesn’t have a document. If these kids get separated by one of their parent then it affects their education but now it is most likely that they would get separated because of the recent intensification of immigration enforcement activities, so this causes more risk of kids losing at least one of their parent. A solution I have for this is they should get extra help in school so they won’t fall behind. Another solution is helping the people undocumented not get taken away because it may affect kids.

In conclusion our country will continue to suffer if immigration laws don’t change. I will love to see the world change by stopping raids because not all people that get deported are bad, just because they are different race doesn’t mean they do wrong things. 

