My letter to the next president was about Nuclear Weapons.
Seniors from Minarets High School in O'Neals, CA
it's a good letter.
Keeping the average citizen in mind, boosting economy, national security
Strengthen our borders
Limiting the restriction on guns
Abortion should be legal.
Decrease in immigration to make America more accessible for U.S. Citizens.
High school drop outs
What I want to say to the future president
Body cameras on police will allow the officers to show that they are taking the proper steps when conflict is happening with a civilian.
All letters from this group →
The next president needs to improve the medical care system within jobs, families, and for kids.
We need to change the system of how we conserve our energy and reuse things so living would be much easier with fresh oxygen and no stress about th...
A physical wall that by its very existence separates you? A new policy is what we need; we are still the America based on immigration.
Abortion should only be available in certain cases.
Animals are great pets, but using them as experiments is not okay. What did the animals do to deserve this cruel treatment?
This letter is about stopping animal abuse and making a change to help them stay happy and healthy.
Families are struggling to pay for education and many kids who are poor have disadvantages in the school system.
College tuition needs to stop rising, so that everybody can have a bright future ahead.
Police Brutality and Racial Inequality must be stopped.
All letters from California →
Aggression combined with nuclear bombs is the ultimate recipe for disaster. The only way to prevent mankind from detonating such a deadly device i...
We need to have peaceful talks about how to deal with the persisting problems with North Korea.
Microorganisms do not care what race, gender, or age of people they are affecting. Biological weapons are “gram for gram, the deadliest weapons ev...
ISIS should not get nuclear weapons. This is why.
The spread and building of nuclear weapons. What the problem is.
the threats and possibilities concerning nuclear weapons in modern day
Issues addressed involving our national security, nuclear weapons and our military.
Nuclear weapons in America and the World is getting out of hand. Our president needs to and should want to stop people from making weapons of mass ...
Nuclear bombs are a very dangerous type of weapon, that is why I think they should stop creating them.
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