Nuclear weapons have devastated the world in the past and now we have even more powerful weapons. Nuclear weapons need to be dealt with and the amo...
The next President should be aware of the possibility of nuclear weapons.
Nuclear weapons are no longer useful, and quite frankly very stupid. Do we really want Mad Max to become a documentary?
What are the dangers of Nuclear Weapons?
What if the world just threw away the idea of nukes?
This letter is about nuclear bombs
The overstocking of Nuclear Weapons is an undermined concern today. With the surplus of these dangerous weapons, our human population is at risk du...
Importance of Immigration and Defense on the border.
We need to have peaceful talks about how to deal with the persisting problems with North Korea.
Aggression combined with nuclear bombs is the ultimate recipe for disaster. The only way to prevent mankind from detonating such a deadly device i...
ISIS should not get nuclear weapons. This is why.
What we could do about nuclear bombs and terrisom.
Nuclear bombs are a very dangerous type of weapon, that is why I think they should stop creating them.
My letter on Nuclear Warfare
the threats and possibilities concerning nuclear weapons in modern day
Nuclear weapons in America and the World is getting out of hand. Our president needs to and should want to stop people from making weapons of mass ...
The spread and building of nuclear weapons. What the problem is.
How the President can fix Nuclear weapons and some ideas how he can do that.
We are living in fear in way too many ways.
Short video/write of what America's issues are.
This letter was created to express my concern about the current US relation with North Korea. Another concern is the situation of North Korea posse...
How you speak and act is a reflection of our country.
The world needs to disarm nuclear weapons now. There is simply no need for these kinds of weapons.
Microorganisms do not care what race, gender, or age of people they are affecting. Biological weapons are “gram for gram, the deadliest weapons ev...
The nuclear weapons are too dangerous for the future.
The next president should control other unstable countries from making and using Nuclear Weapons
The world is constantly in danger, but now it is in danger from our own creations, weapons of mass destruction. Nuclear, Biological, and chemical w...
Nuclear weapons are a serious issue and these bombs have the ability to kill millions.
My letter to the next president was about Nuclear Weapons.
With increasing tensions between Russia and The United States, how will our next President handle these problems and what course of action will he ...
Nukes are a recipe for trouble so we should stop producing and storing nukes.
Issues addressed involving our national security, nuclear weapons and our military.
An examination of how safe it is to hold our nuclear weapons in another country.
we need to stop and prevent a nuclear disaster that ends up killing everyone.
Abortion, immigration, the economy, nuclear weapons, and gun rights
Nuclear weapons are to dangerous and it is affecting peope