Giovanni V Wisconsin

Decrease Drug Use in All Public Schools

Create a policy to decrease student drug use. For every corner you turn there’s a drug dealer emphasizing young teens to buy their drugs and getting them to constantly keep coming back for more. This problem will become big, there will be nothing stopping it, so we need to kill it before it gets too large. Public schools need to set a better example of drug use.

Dear Next President,

Hello, Mr or Mrs. President, I am writing to you today about the amount of drug use in public schools worldwide. Most schools are secretly filled with young teens who consume drugs very often. Now, the next couple years are in your hands Mr. or Mrs. President, meaning your influence will have impact on every person in this world. Young adults more so teenagers will be the leaders of the future, that is if the young people of this world are able to get control of and get help with their drug abuse. According to YRBS, “however, they have some work to do in increasing physical activity and while decreasing alcohol consumption and marijuana and electronic cigarette usage”. Statistics show that, “kids used marijuana more or equal to 1 time during the past 30 days, Tosa had 15.2%, state had 17.3% and U.S wide had 23.4% said yes”(YRBS). Over the recent years, abuse has doubled for every substance. As for the future of these young adults, it doesn’t look so bright. Especially at a growing rate like this! The future will be full of addicts who drop out of high school, leave college, and give up on their dream. The future holds a close to a promise of addictions, overdoses, and depression. The influence of these substances is finding its way to reach younger and younger people on a regular basis.

Marijuana is a much more subtle drug other than alcohol. It gets them into the culture of the drug world, which is a dangerous step because it can lead down the path to drug addiction. Marijuana is easily available and relatively cheap. Kids usually say that it relaxes them, it’s effective for stress, and gets rid of their anxiety. One of the dangers of marijuana is that it’s much stronger than it was twenty years ago. Once a child gets hooked on marijuana and combines it with other drugs there are high chances of getting addicted. Particularly if they start using it at an early age, its very high as well. It says that, “the age of the first high was 13 and 14. Now I’d say it’s 11 and 12, and I see kids who are starting in the fourth or fifth grade”(empowering parents). Nowadays most kids will agree or say that marijuana is a so called “gateway drug” because their tolerance increases and leads them to move on to other drugs. They are using an illegal drug, they are often exposed to harder drugs and to many drug dealers.

Drug abuse ruins many young adult lives and families. Drugs need to get harder to obtain, for it is just getting easier and easier to get drugs. For every corner you turn there’s a drug dealer emphasizing young teens to buy their drugs and getting them to constantly keep coming back for more. Hopefully you think thoughtfully and hard about this problem, if this is not solved, thousands of people will begin to die and many families will suffer for their loved ones they have lost. This problem will become big, there will be nothing stopping it, so we need to kill it before it gets too large.

Sincerely, Your Friend


Wauwatosa West High School

Wauwatosa West American Public Policy

All juniors are enrolled in a required civics and public policy course called American Public Policy. The capstone project is the Issue Investigation - students identify an issue that can be solved by the creation, modification, elimination of a public policy. Student letters are their first research step in the Issue Investigation process.

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