Stephanie P. Indiana


My letter is about immigration in the United States.

Dear Presidential Candidate,

I believe that immigrants should be allowed in the United States. Should illegal immigrants be able to become U.S citizens? Immigration is important to me, because everyone deserves to be treated correctly. I think this problem should be addressed. This conflict is a big topic that is being talked about right now.

First of all, I believe immigrants should be allowed in the United States. Immigrants from Mexico, Central America, and other places around the world come to the United States for a better life. Immigrants make up our population. “Data on the nativity of the U.S. population were first collected in 1850. That year, there were 2.2 million immigrants in the United States, nearly 10 percent of the total population.”(Zong, Jie “Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States” N.p.) Many people disagree with this idea, because, people think immigrants bring trouble to the US. “Many who immigrate illegally to the United States do not keep their funds here.” (Newsmax n.p.) They also believe immigrants will break the law. Immigrants make up the population,they deserve the same rights.

Secondly, the law I am proposing to be passed is the Immigration and Nationality Act because i think immigrants should be allowed in the United States. “The Immigration and Nationality Act, or INA, was created in 1952. Before the INA, a variety of statutes governed immigration law but were not organized in one location.” (“Immigration and Nationality Act” N.p.) I would get this law passed in the House of Representatives by, getting a representative to sponsor the bill and after that the bill will get to a committee. If the bill gets past the committee, then the bill will get moved to the senate. When the bill gets to the Senate it goes through another committee, it's the same process as the House of Representatives. After the bill passes the Senate the President will sign the veto if the law is a good thing.

Finally, Immigration is important to me, because everyone deserves to be treated correctly. The law I am proposing to be passed is the INA, because in my opinion I believe immigrants should stay in the United States. I will get this law passed by getting the veto pass the House of Representatives and the Senate. The next president should focus on this topic, because this is the biggest topic that is being talked about right now and has had many point of views. The president should make this change because this will be a great opportunity for the United States and the people.

Towles New Tech

8th Grade Language Arts & Social Studies

8th Grade Students at Towles New Tech

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