Prescriptions Drugs Dangerous?
This paper talks about the dangers of prescription drugs and what the incentives are for teens to abuse them. This paper will also talk about the growth of heroin.
Dear Mr./Mrs. President
Teens seem to think that it is a good idea to ruin their lives with using prescription drugs without doctor's approval (BTW I am a teen). In addition, there is a growing amount of heroin abuse in teens. These drugs are getting easier and easier to get a hold of and there isn't really anything that we could do to completely get rid of dangerous drugs, but there are ways that we could bring down the number of kids abusing these drugs.
Teen’s lives are just big emotional roller coaster. There are just some days that teens get depressed. One thing that contributes to that depression is popularity. Most teens are getting depressed because they feel like they have no friends and they end up keeping their feelings inside. Listen to this,“The researchers found one factor that affected teens use of prescription drugs was they need to feel popular...wanting to fit in with your peers is connected to anxiety” (Barbara Delaney, co-author of a company called Partnership for Drug-Free Kids). When left out, we think we are the worst person ever. Some of us just drown our depression with a hobby like a sport or video games. If a teen doesnt know how to control the depression they will likely try something new. They will start abusing prescription drugs because they were told that regular drugs were bad, they will think that they will be fine because these drugs help. Prescription drugs are as dangerous as marijuana and cocaine and our elders do very little to warn us about it. A simple solution to this problem is to warn teens what they are getting into and, to all the parents, if you see your child feeling left out or getting bullied, care for you child and try your hardest to help them through it.
Heroin costs hundreds of dollars and people still are able to afford their addiction. In the article Addicted to Heroin: I’m Literally Just Rotting’ by Andrew Sullivan, 21 year-old Ashley explains her story of heroin abuse. “Ashley panhandles and steals extra money from her parents to make ends meet.” “It’s a really sick feeling to know that's my parents’ money,” Ashley said. Parents shouldn't be so lenient in giving out money. The parents should know where their money is going. I think her parents would definitely pay for her rehab if she gave them the knowledge of her problem.
If you could convince parents in being more strict on their kids, the heroin and the prescription drug epidemic could decrease. Thank you for reading, I hope that I was able to help out with this topic.