Immigration and how unaccompanied children come to the United States and have many obstacles to overcome to live a better life.
Obama care raises taxes to much and we need to get rid of it.
what we should do about it
My letter is about the death penalty on why we should not have it.
Planned Parenthood, a facility that provides affordable healthcare for men and women nationwide, is being threatened of being defunded due to one t...
In this paper I will inform you on how big of a deal illegal immigration is and what you need to do to change it.
A rant on the failed school system of standardized testing. And what the Newly elected president can do to end it.
Water in many cities in The United States, have contaminated water or also known as unsafe water. The most common problem are the lead pipes that w...
LGBT are OF the people. The constitution is FOR the people. Members of this community are not fully protected. When will this become a reality?
Misused firearms
Homophobia is affecting many people around the country. Kids feel unsafe at school, equality is still a big issue and no one is really doing anythi...
I go through different facts and details about the "Issues" that they protest actual fact and how you could prevent them because when protesting t...
rape needs to stop
I’m 13 and I know how important the 2nd Amendment is.
Abortion should stay legal in the United States. Why would the leader of the free world make a decision that would oppress the women of our nation?
This text describes what extreme poverty contributes to people’s daily lives.
This letter is asking the future president to work to overcome the stereotypes of feminism and make a substantial gain in equality for men and wome...
How police brutality is causing harm to us and it can affect more innocent people.
When will tuition get cheaper? How much higher will the cost get? These are just some of the questions parents think when they look the cost of the...
Human trafficking has been a growing issue in America and not very much has been done to stunt its growth. I believe, in order to protect America's...
There should be no poverty. Everyone should have the bare minimums such as food, water, and shelter.
Right now, there are countless refugees trying to escape Syria for many reasons. Some are running from their government, others are running from te...
Why banning guns as a whole in the United States is a bad idea
Puppy mills only enforce suffering on young animals who are nothing but kind and pure. These are places under such horrible conditions and should b...
Where is the U.S Tax money going.
The cost of higher education is preventing many from participating
I am a junior at Science Leadership Academy @ Beeber. As an insider from the African American community, these are my views on police brutality. ...
I wrote a letter on what I believe should be done in the new United States such as dealing with the group called ISIS to the income of health care
I believe gun rights in the United States is people should be able to have guns and even in The Bill of Rights in the second amendment it states "t...
People think guns can protect them from bad people, but more people use guns to do bad things to other people. We need to control the sale of guns ...
There's is a lot of immigrants that need jobs and there are jobs for them, we just need to find them jobs
This article is about vaccines and why everyone should get vaccinated. The world would be a much safer place if more people got the essential boost...
The United States as a whole should strive to work together to keep our oceans clean, and with your help, we as a nation could finally make that ch...
I wrote a letter to the next president regarding college costs.
Background checks should be revised to be more effective
Everyone knows that the world changes everyday, sometimes negatively or positively. Air pollution, melting ice, etc are all current environmental i...
Who doesn´t love dolphins? We usually think of dolphins splashing around in the crystal waters down in the south, playing with others. Well, that i...
The obesity epidemic is out of control and there needs to be a stop to it. We need to help obese people with the proper physical and mental treatme...
Book censorship is preventing us students from being prepared for the real world.
Our nation is faced with thousands of issues, each as equally as important as the last. Instead of letting them divide us, we must band together an...
Students struggle, and get worse every year in our current education program. My letter adresses my concerns with the current system in our country...
In this letter, I inform the president about how deforestation has changed and is changing the world.
Islamophobia is a big problem that you should address because mostly all Muslim students are getting hurt and people are making fun of them by sayi...
Deporting illegal immigrants separates children from their parents.
Gun control is an issue on which Americans are deeply divided, and Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump couldn't be farther apart on it. The fact that...
As a citizen of the United States, it sincerely concerns me that college tuition is very high and very unreasonable.
I feel very strongly about the illegalization of racial profiling. It will bring Americans together, and make America a more sturdy nation.
immigration is the most important issue in this election days because is about people's rights. and how does immigration helps america's future?
The media can to easily damage our society so we need to find a way to prevent them from relating anymore destruction.
In this letter, I will be explaining the importance of people understanding that abortion is a good but also a bad thing. Having an abortions doesn...
Abortions in my opinion should not happen, but they happen for many different things.
Gun Control
I believe that America should take time to analyze the majority of reasons for immigration, illegal or otherwise, and understand the circumstances...
A plea for better government funding for military personnel.
This is a call to action against this illegal act that plagues America.
Teachers have been assigning homework to students for as long as the school system has been around. It is assumed that this helps kids learn, but i...
Oliver Fox 11/4/16 Yellow Wallpaper Dear Madam or Mr. President, My name is Oliver Fox, I am 13 years old and I am the son of a hero. My fathe...
I will be discussing about privacy rights in the digital world of the internet.
Illegal immigrants come to America to start a better life and they should be able to do that because they are looking for an escape from poverty, a...
I am a 16 year old from Louisiana who is concerned about the current plan for taxes.
Donald Trump has expressed his opinion many times regarding capital punishment, and here's my response...
School should not distribute healthier lunches.
Animal abuse is a problem, we can not get rid of it but we can minimize it. All animals doesn't matter their size are getting abused or aren't get...
U.S. bonds with other countries are slowly deteriorating, and it's time the president repairs these breaking bridges.
Immigrants deserve to have a voice.
Defendants should get the actual consequence they deserve.
Do you hate Standardized tests? If so, then read this.
Do not criminalize abortion.
Women should be in control of their own bodies--not the government.
This letter contains causes and solutions to the growing issue of homeless youth in america. This is a serious issue because we are robbing homeles...
We as a nation need to take in mind that our mental health matters to.They don't realize what people feel daily fighting themselves alone if they'r...
Reliance on coal energy can have large impacts on the health of U.S. citizens. We must bring a new wave of renewable energy to reduce health risks ...
When some companies get sexual harassment claims, there is a chance that they'll ignore it if the claim is about an employer who is an asset to th...
I am going to be talking about school lunches
Marijuana should be legalized, because there are more positive benefits than negative.
There's been many shootings at many places where there is terrorists attacks, but we should make a law. A law where there should be a policy.
Get guns out of here.
"97% of people who sexually abuse children are male, and 76.8% of people who sexually abuse children are adults."
College debt is a very serious problem because it is increasing yearly, leaving students swimming in debt when they get out of college. With this b...
Most of the kids will die on their way to the U.S. The only reason they are coming is because they are not having a good life.
Are people aware of the problems that Global Warming carries?
Dear Future President of the United States,
The problems in our environment are bigger than they seem.
Dear Mr/Mrs President, You ever think that society always blames things on someone or something. You don’t make that much money, you blame it ...
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become U.S. citizens
Numerous amount of students today plan on attending college after graduating high school, but some students such as those with low-income, may not ...
Changing the law on abortion to make it more fair to all women
Everyone should realize that illegal immigration is a problem; however, some don't wish to change that, so why not make the whole system more under...
For decades, abortion has been an issue that has divided our country. As time has progressed, the issue hasn’t gotten any better. Even after the S...
Performance enhancing drugs are the lowest low an athlete can go. Do you want to be the person who keeps letting it happen and say "let the cheater...
This letter contains reasons why we should stop gun violence.
A realistic look at how school funding hurts the innocent children of our country.
Reasons that the next President should make immigration easy and fast.
Legalizing prostitution could potentially decrease rape, and sex trafficking in America.
Violence against women, the wage gap, and the lack of abortion rights are issues that need to be solved to bring the US closer to gender equality.
Getting everyone an education is the first step to reducing the poverty levels in the United States.
This letter speaks about the issue around the topic of immigration which is now a very important issue around the world.
The Importance of the US-Israel Relationship