JT F. Ohio

Is Your Health in Good Hands?

Healthcare is starting to get worse and worse, and these things need to change! No one wants to fix this, yet people still struggle. Other people need this, and it is not affordable to all.

Dear Next President;

In america many people struggle with health care and how will you solve this issue.Around the world many people are looking for good health care so what will you do to solve this. But it won't stop the main components of Obamacare from going live as scheduled, glitches and all. This is important to me because for health care you should not have glitches at all everything should be ran smoothly especially when it's from the president. Many will probably want to see how it goes for the first wave for the applicants before they jump in and start being a part of it. This is important to me because if you need health care you don't just wait to see if it's good or not you need that right away and should not wait on it its one of the only health cares there are so just pick it right away.

This is bad for the world and me because people in the world and the me deserve to get good healthcare and a lot of people are even paying for some taxes just to get some health care even though they have plenty of money.This is also bad for the world because people need health insurance and you need to trust it and if you cant thats not good

And Because you're just making worse and worse for other people.

Consumers also could run into problems getting the right subsidy, which is the amount of the cost covered by the government. This matters to m because Consumers can reach into complications to get the right contribution which the amount costs covered by the government. No one should run into problems with this this should be working well right off the bat or don't start it that soon.

And this affects the world because people got this so they had it but if it is running into problems that's not good. Health care is way too expensive for people and because of this people can't get it and now the government need to do something about it and i hope you do. Find a way please to give people affordable health care and good supportful and with medicine to help a lot of people. I hope people want to have a good health care and keep our generations going. Many people are getting ill and they cannot afford these things or we haven't found a way to solve and we need to learn how to solve big things.

People rely on the Government to help us we vote on them to do the right things we give you some tax to go to thing like this please be the one to stop this and make it right. Many people need health care by their side and I believe you can change that.



Hudson Middle School

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