Why we must eliminate selective services
persuasive letter to the next President, opposing selective services.
Dear: Mr./Madam president
If the united states were to lose a war how would the country deal with casualties. If america was to lose a war. The casualties would be high, and most soldiers die up to sixty percent. This would leave more than a tenth of the population dead. These are many of the hardworking men in the population losing them could be disastrous to the economy. Another problem with the selective service is equality if the united states were founded on equality for all then why aren't women included in the selective service system. Why weren't women be included in the draft in the first place. The most important issue facing you Mr. /Madam president is eliminating the selective service system, From the united states of america. You Mr./Madam president should pass an act to to remove the selective system from the United States of America.
Many of the people who sign up for the selective service system sign up out of fear, the penalty for not registering is 250,000 and five years in prison Also a young man who fails to register for Selective Services may be ineligible for benefits that may be important later in his future. He must register to be eligible for federal student financial aid, state-funded financial aid in many states, he will not be able to get a job in the federal government, some jobs in the state government, security clearance for contractors, job training under the Workforce Investment Act, and U.S. citizenship for immigrants. He will have all of these punishments placed on him if he doesn't sign up to go to war and quite possibly die. This could place a lot of stress on young adults, who are still teenagers getting ready for college. In world war one thirty percent of all draft members died in combat or training. This is why you madam or mr president should eliminate the selective service system. “Not only will abolishing the selective service save the U.S. taxpayers money, it will remove an undue burden on our nation’s young people,” this was a quote from an officer in military defence from the pentagon.
Some would say that the united states would need the selective service system if we were to get into a world war, but studies show that the united states has never been in a war where they needed more soldiers than those who volunteered. This proves that the united states would almost never need the selective services system.
Another solution to the selective service system is to fix the current system. If in this country we are all equals the why aren't women included in the military draft. If women were included in the draft then the army could be much stronger if we needed a draft. If we need to set up a draft we could have plenty of soldiers to fight in the army. If you fix the draft it would make men and women equals.
In a world where the selective service system is fixed or gone the united states would be in perfect shape to prosper for a long time. Congratulations on becoming the forty fifth president of the united states of america this is a huge honor, and a very hard job. You are up to the task and you can fix the most important issue facing america, the selective service system.
Sincerely, Brendan M
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"Iowa Capitol Digest." The Quad-City Times. 28 Oct. 2016. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.
Schwartz, Felicia. "Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Eliminate Selective Service System." WSJ. Wsj.com, 11 Feb. 2016. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.
"Senate Approves Women Registering for the Draft." CNN. Cable News Network. Web. 04 Nov. 2016.