Kaitlynn C. Nevada

Is the Cost of College Really Worth it?

This essay is about how expensive college is and if it's actually worth paying for, or in other cases why people can't afford to go.

 Future President,

College is stressful and looked as a mandatory thing to have required in some point in life. But this isn’t always the case, some people really don't need college for their job. This can be great because college is expensive and can take years to pay off, which is why it is very important to address.

Worrying about which college to go to, or if you even what to go to college is a BIG decision. Most of your family members will encourage you to go to college asap because they only want the best for you. The real question arises, if you really do need to go to college? This question will probably give some parents a heart attack if you answer it “differently” than expected.

Depending on what you want to pursue in your life it’s very important, it can affect you for your whole life. Knowing what you want to do will help you because not all jobs require more than a student diploma.Of course, you can go to college if you want anyways, college never hurts anyone, besides their wallet. College tuition has been increasing over the years, the average cost of a two-year and four-year college can range from $3,000 to $10,000. Personally, I wanted to go to an out-of-state college but out-of-state colleges can cost around $23,890. You can imagine that it kinda crushed my dream a bit because my family doesn't have that money, let alone do I. I wouldn't want to have a loan hanging over my shoulders for years just for me wanting to do something I felt passionate about. I'm not the only student that has this sort of dilemma. Many other students cannot go to their college they choose due the cost and loans they will have to take out.

Many others are wondering what they even do with all this money, and if it even goes to education and maybe a few other priorities like it should. I believe if you want to learn about a certain subject, then you should get the chance to do so. We push students into learning something that they most likely aren't interested in, a job should be something that they like because they will do their best at it, creating a better community and environment.

The upside to college is that it can help you in hard times in the long run (once you pay off your loan). It helps you get to certain jobs that you’re going for, earning more in your job, and over all it just looks a bit better than a student diploma. People who don't go to college are more like to be unemployed compared to a person with a college degree. But taking out a loan to go to college takes years to pay off if you couldn't afford it. For the jobs that do require a certain degree that people want, those people can't achieve them if college is too expensive. Those people could be great at those jobs if they feel so passionate about them.

Even if you do have a college degree, it can still be hard to find a job and can affect your credit score. All that hard work and money was for nothing. As many students going into the “adult world”, they already worried about what they want to be and how they're going to achieve it. As a community, we need to solve this problem for young adults going into college or work industry so people can be satisfied with their life. Perhaps, people can help out with the community to go to college or the government give a bit more money for education, so we can improve as a whole.


Kaitlynn C.





www2.kqed.org/lowdown/2014/is-college-really-worth-it/ ~The Cost of College Amy Warner

Should All Kids Go To College? Dana Goldstein Twitter 2011 

Damonte Ranch High School

1st Period

Dramatic Literature. 11th and 12th Grade students.

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