Allen T. New York

The Dark Side of Animal Research

There should be stricter laws to protect animals involved in animal testing. Although the testing may benefit humans they should not be harmed in the process

Dear Next President,

I personally have deep affection for animals since I was young and I always loved how they interacted with nature and each other, because of this I feel greatly appalled that innocent animals are being harmed in the process of animal testing. Should animals be harmed for the benefit of humans? Technological Alternatives can end the experimental use of animals  reveals that, the article  “ Making matters worse is the fact that mice are used in nearly 60% of all experiments”( Dvorsky 2). This depicts that animal testing as grown in the years and certain species such as mice are consistently being tested upon, this can cause mice populations to dwindle and certain mice can escape and spread disease or a non-tested drug which can cause sickness to other species. Even Though animals are being mistreated in these testing some say that animal testing have been beneficial to the human race. Grim Good of animal research reveals that , “ The drug, crixivan, became generally available in 1996, allowing HIV patients to live longer and healthier lives. That wouldn't have happened without the animal tests” ( Smith 2). This shows us how animal testing brought along a drug that helped many, animal testing can be compared to a “ fruit tree” it sometimes bears good fruit and other times bad fruit. Just like animal research it can have great outcomes and terrible outcomes, an increased number of people are wanting and many are protesting about the end of animal research. Grim Good of animal research conveys that, “ A 2013 Gallup poll showed that 39 percent of respondents believe that “ medical testing on animals” is “ morally wrong”, up from 26 percent in 2001”( Smith 1). There should be stricter laws to protect animals involved in animal testing. Although the testing may benefit humans they should not be harmed in the process.

Animal research has been used for a prolonged period of time in medical and agrarian history. In this process animals were being maltreated for the creation of a new drug or growth in the agriculture. Technological Alternatives can end the experimental use of animals conveys that, “ Technology is finally coming with solutions that could eliminate the practice altogether “(Dvorsky 1). This is exemplifying that new advancements in animal research are being created and shortly animal models in research can be eradicated. Many ideas of different replacements for animals have been brought to the table, Technological Alternatives can end the experimental use of animals reveals that, “ More significantly, however, was the suggestion the scientist replace their lab animal with non-sentient animals-things like microorganisms, metazoan parasites, and certain plants. The less cognitively sophisticated the animal, it was thought, the less capacity it had to experience emotional, physical, and psychological distress”(Dvorsky 2). This line highlights that animals being substituted by plants and microorganisms could be a felicitous to animals, but detrimental for the plants and microorganisms. They interact out with animals and humans either by giving us food or keeping our environment in check, if they are tested on frequently populations will diminish causing havoc to other depending organisms. Also the possibility of spreading of disease is always a factor from any of these tested plants or microorganisms. Animal testing wasn't always about the welfare of medical treatments but for agriculture and economy, Factory farming helps feed people around the world explains that, “ Indeed, the critique of livestock production and “factory” farming is based on that myth. Ask a critic about the failing of current farming methods and she’ll say something along the lines of “we’d be better off if we could return to the way things used to be. When farms were small and owned by families who relied on nature rather than chemicals and who grazed livestock on pastures instead of imprisoning them in confinement “(Ogle 2). This line is best explaining that the original method of farming with the help of nature is more beneficial than current chemical farming, because the current way packs animals with dangerous chemicals which will imperil both the animal and the consumer.

How can we stop animal testing? are there any alternative replacements available? These should be the questions we should be asking to to eliminate the cruel practice of animal testing. Grim Good of animal research shows that, “ Indeed, for years, the research industry and the government have cooperated with an important animal welfare initiative known as “ the Three R’s-” replacement, reduction, and refinement “-that aims to reduce the number used in research “(Smith 2). This best showcases that actions are being put to use to prevent or reduce animal testing. Animal testing isn't always bad for the animal and sometimes could be equally harmful to patients, Technological Alternatives can end the experimental use of animals reveals that, “ A 2006 study in JAMA [Journal of the American Medical Association] concluded that, “ patients and physicians should remain cautious about extrapolating the findings of prominent animal research to the care of human disease, “ and that “ even high-quality animal studies will replicate poorly in human clinical research “(Dvorsky 1). This line is putting it out there that animal testing is giving back invalid information and should be stopped because they are not giving back right feedback or it should be managed carefully. Animal testing if ended can be helpful to animals and humans, already new developments have been created such in the medical field that doesn't call for animal usage. Technological Alternatives can end the experimental use of animals conveys that, “ The development of noninvasive brain scanning techniques is also enabling scientists to work on human test subjects. Technologies such as MRI [magnetic resonance imaging], fMRI [functional magnetic resonance imaging], EEG [electroencephalogram], PET [positron-emission tomography], and CT [computerized tomography] are replacing the need to perform vivisections on the brains of rats, cats, and monkeys” (Dvorsky 3). New forms of medical technologies are slowly putting an end to animal testing, one type of technology will be the MRI it functions by scanning the human brain on alternative human subjects with being dangerous. This replaced rats, cats, and monkeys and soon enough more techniques will acquired and will replace animals in medical testing for good and give back animals their well deserved rights as a living organism this world. Now coming back to farming animal testing doesn't only occur in medical testing but in the world of agriculture too. Factory farming helps feed people around the world emphasizes that, “ When critics imagine the future of American agriculture, they envision a return to ( an imagined ) past because that imagined past is central to what it means to be an American” (Ogle 3). Factory farming and the endangerment and imprisonment of animals could be put to an end. If we return to normalcy in farming, for the better good of animals and humans.

Much attention has been paid to the fact that animal testing is inhumane to animals, “but is that they're a good side to animal research ?” Grim Good of animal research  reveals that, “ Because scientists experimented with research animals, vaccines were developed, new lifesaving medical and surgical techniques were perfected, diseases were cured, extending our lives and alleviating incalculable amounts of human suffering “( Smith 2). This delineates that animal test has given back some positive feedback in the medical field, although animals are being mistreated in the process of obtaining this information. People in the medical field aren't the only ones that get a positive outcome from animal testing in fact farmers are also depended on this method to. Factory farming helps feed around the world conveys that, “ As we debate our agrarian future, we must weigh that future against the needs of people around the world ( about whom most of us claim we care )”( Ogle 2) and Factory Farming helps feed people around the world reveals that, “This mythology is just that: mythology. Historically, first in the colonies and then in the new United States, American farmers were less interested in yeoman "independence" than in earning profits from a national and global market for food stuffs. (And make no mistake: American agriculture has served a global market since the 1600s.)”( Ogle 1). These illustrate that farmers need to make a profit from their jobs so they test their animals to profit them more, even though factory farming is negligent to animals it helps humans and how some make their salary. “Now why can humans not be subjected to research and testing?”, well some might say it's wrong to use humans and others might say humans are far more superior than animals. Well there is another reason to this claim that some may acknowledge which are laws and basic human rights, Grim good of Animal Research emphasizes that, “In fact, experimenting with animals before testing on people is a crucial human rights protection required by the famous Nuremberg Code”( Smith 2). This underlines the fact that humans cannot be tested on according to their basic human rights one being the famous Nuremberg codes.

So it is up to you to eliminate and break the chains of the cruelty of animal research once and for all. Your choice will affect our nation for the better and no more animals will be harmed for our own sake. We must find new and better alternative techniques for medical and agricultural growth. So future president are you willing to eradicate animal testing for our future gain?

Sincerely yours, 

Allen T.

VS North HS

Italiano/Suarez Per 2

These letters were written by 9th grade students. They spent two weeks researching issues and one week learning how to write an argument letter. This was the first project of this magnitude that they have ever experienced, they learned a lot, and they are very happy to be done! Thank you for reading.

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