Police Brutality is a growing issue in America and something needs to happen about it.
In Central America many children are fleeing violence and abuses in their countries.
This letter explains the huge problem of student debt and how it can be prevented for future generations.
Gun rights and restrictions
Lets talk about what people should do about teens killing themselves. Teens everyday are very sad and feels not worthy of life. They struggle eve...
This talks about how we should import less and be a little more self reliant.
Police brutality is an issue that matters to many people, an issue that needs to be adressed.
I believe Deportation should be stopped so that we can reunite families and not separate them.
Education needs attention
Pistols, machine guns and other automatic weapons should be banned. All it does is cause problems.
The enforcement of the law that recreational use of marijuana is illegal.
We have a letter about global warming and all the damage it can cause, and then we have a picture we created about global warming.
Citizens should have legal authority to own a firearm.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants became U.S citizens.
I wrote a letter to the next president talking about police brutality against African Americans.
FDA and GMO's (Genetically Modified Organisms)
“She must have wanted it.” “He was drunk; he couldn’t help it.” “Boys will be boys.” These are all examples that have been said to blame the victim...
Maybe one day your kids wants tattoos and blue hair, but also wants to be a doctor. Of course you'll tell them they can be and do anything they wan...
​My letter is about asking the President to increase the minimum wage for all of the employees and decrease the minimum wage for fast food workers ...
For years and years, men have been getting paid more than women for doing the exact same job. We need to change that.
There are millions of Americans who are unemployed! We need our jobs back!
Reasons the next President should remove standardized testing in the American school curriculum.
Discrimination to the LGBT+ community has to be stopped.
We Need More Gun Control
My letter is about how people are wasting food because it looks funny.
I feel every 4-year-old in the state of Minnesota should be given the oportunity to recieve a free pre-k education.
The LGBTQ+ community needs to recieve the same rights as everyone else.
I'm addressing the issue of racism starting with the topic of sexism and segregation between different races.
The government is robbing you of your privacy
The education system is hurting today´s students instead of helping them.
A letter explaining America's infrastructure problem and why we need to fix it.
We need to stop poverty.
Today, in 2016 (2 months to 2017), people are still judging others, putting them in the categories they believe they belong in by just a glance. To...
We need to be stricter on people coming to our country.
Nukes are a recipe for trouble so we should stop producing and storing nukes.
I feel that renewable energy should be more common in the world. It is an alternative way to make the earth a better place. Lots of people like cle...
People aren't recycling.
Animal testing has to stop
Marijuana legalization is a very large step to educating people about the reality of life.
We need to have peaceful talks about how to deal with the persisting problems with North Korea.
What Happened to the word "Secure" in our country?
Cancer is a serious problem in the world.
A stunning amount of animals are abused, along with a small amount that are saved. What are some of the ways we can help?
Hundreds of millions of people nationwide are struggling due to world hunger. This issue is ruining lives and causing many children to become malno...
This letter is about the ways education is received and how it needs to be changed to adapt to the learner.
In America, we have many rights and there are many ways to live our lives. We have the freedom to say what we want without government censorship, w...
This paper explains why stricter laws and background checks are the solution to violence in America today.
Schools need to start at a later time to benefit schools, students health, and student lives.
We need to focus on real issues that affect our everyday life. If we don't focus on issues happening within our country then trust between the auth...
Refugees should be admitted into the US to have a place to call home. In the past, no refugees have committed any acts of terror.
Planned Parenthood should be funded.
Abortion needs to become illegal because human life begins from the moment of fertilization.
Building communities to make a better America
Many animals are being used in useless testing.
I believe paid leave should be required for child birth and serious illnesses of a family member or close friend.
Cross state competition in teachers pay is leading to discrepancies in teacher quality in lower socio economic levels causing teachers and students...
The existence of certain guns and the owners of guns with questionable records have been a major problem in our nation leading to the unnecessary...
A letter to the future president about homelessness in America
Feminism is important in the world today because women are still not treated with equality. There is a wage gap preventing women from earning as mu...
Women aren’t being treated equally. Gay and lesbians are committing suicide from bad treatment.
Abortion is a women's choice it's her body and baby so why should you be able to tell her what to do with it?
Prop 64 is an argument whether marijuana should be illegal or not in California. Prop 64 allows adults age of 21 or older to possess, transport, pu...
Persuasive letter to the next President advocating medical research funding
This persuasive letter is for the President to take action to enhance the country.
National parks are a fun family friendly place; nevertheless, ecotourists have been producing problems for the plants and animals that need to be a...
Gun control laws are worsening our citizen's ability to fight back.
We can't get rid of the 2nd amendment, but we can stop a violent situation from escalating in the first place.
Education is one of the most important parts of just about every American child's life. Unfortunately, the students of today are involved in a brok...
I am writing about how I am against abortion.
Education is a key to success, and teachers make this possible, but a step towards improving the overall education in our nation is by having highe...
Air pollution is damaging our world, and it needs to be stopped
Most rapists in the United States get high raping and they feel physically stronger than their victims.
There is a huge issue surrounding police brutality and would like to know what the future president will do to help stop this racial discrimination.
Animals are being abused, please put yourself out there and help them.
A letter to you, from yours truely
As the dust settles, more issues are revealed.
Coal mines and gun control
There is no reason for someone to be treated differently based on his or her looks; we are all the same and should be treated with respect.
Taking the life of a fetus is morally wrong and should be illegal.
My letter is addressing the next president my concern over gun and the violence that citizens have created with them towards other human beings.
Dear Mr/Mrs. President College is a great thing and it can hel...
In this letter I am going to talk about assisted suicide and how it should be legal for everyone, not just for sick people.
The real nightmare all students have to face and why we should put an end to it.
I believe in the right to bear arms. It is my right and it should not be taken from me.
In this letter I discuss issues in our world today such as racism and police brutality.
Do teenagers really get enough sleep? No. Does sleep deprivation have effects on school performance? Yes. Can we stop it? Yes
Police brutality has become a major issue all around the U.S many things need to happen in order for it to stop.
Bullying is a problem world wide and we have to stop it.
An issue I care about is immigration. I know you want to build this wall along the Mexico border. However, building this wall will possibly make us...
As a person who is living at 21th century, the technology has been improved greatly. However, no one thought or considered these technology will co...
Basically my letter explains many topics that are important to me and others and that would affect us deeply.
My letter highlights the moral and legal issues involving banning abortion in the United States.
Balance must be found in order to resolve immigration problems.
Women should have a choice to have an abortion without feeling pressured and shamed. In the name of our history, in the past when we fought for fre...
Endangered species need to be protected
Topics that are unsettling currently.
Black Lives Matter is something that everyone should be more aware about.
Dear Next President, My name is Fatoumata Camara and I am a junior at Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I'm going to t...