Jayden Wisconsin

Animal Testing

This article talks about how animals testing is wrong and how it hurts animals. I believe animal testing is very wrong and should be stopped.

Would you like to be held against your will and get tested on in horrible painful ways? That is exactly what animals go through. These animals have no choice if they are picked for testing. They do not know what is going on and if they will survive. Animal testing is wrong. Animals do not need testing done on them. These animals should get the rights just like humans. One third of Americans agree that animals should have the same rights as we do. You wouldn't wanted to be going through on what animals do. Theses animals go through getting pricked with needles, being starved, getting burned, and being abused. That doesn't sound like fun, right? You wouldn't want this to be done on you nor do these animals.

Animals do not have a voice like we do. They do not have a human voice were they can say no to this like we can. Which people think gives them to right to test animals in such horrific ways. Its like going to a foreign country not knowing their language. Does that give the right for those people to do whatever they want to you?  Because that is exactly like what it is for animals. People don't know and don't care for what the testing does to animals. It seems animals have a less valuable life as those who do the testing seem to act superior and can treat them however they want because they are not humans. Which people think is fine. In my opinion God did not create animals and put them here to be tested on and tortured in such bad ways. I think there is another purpose for animals that are in good and healthy ways. Like going to see sick children in hospitals, or help those with disabilities instead of this testing

Technology is so advanced.  Did you know recently that a company did a test on a semi driven only by a computer. The semi drove over 200 miles on this trip and made it across the country. If technology can be so advanced to drive a semi without an actual driver, do surgeries by robots or discover new planets why can't they limit animal testing? Another option would be to use cells weather donated by human or by an animal source without causing any bodily harm. Why can't humans volunteer to be tested rather then watching and not caring about the animals. I don't even understand how animal testing is accurate since they don't eat our food, participate in harmful things such as smoking or drinking or expose them self to chemicals or pollution that are found in our everyday lives. I think animal testing is wrong and should not continue.


