This letter is about how many people in the U.S.A. live without the 5 basic needs. This letter is also a persuasive note to you, saying that our Co...
A overview of gun control, mental health, and hatred. The main topic: The people.
Organs for transplant are scarce, so why is America making them even scarcer?
Controlling and educating the people on animal cruelty.
Make America Safer For Students
Immigration a super big problem in the US.
Racial tension in America obstructs black Americans from an equal path to success an achievement.
I want some better food at school. We have soy burgers on wheat bread,and it is disgusting. Mrs Obama wanted schools to serve healthier food in sch...
Improve the education system in America.
College education VS. Student loans.
My letter contains information about my opinion concerning physical and mental abuse to women and children.
Why we don't need to have more gun control
We need to put a stop to abuse to animals.
We need to reduce the amount of immigrants and check their back grounds because we might be letting dangerous people in we don't know if they are t...
My family has many firearms that were easy to purchase. If it was so easy for us to purchase them what is stopping someone else from purchasing one...
Child abuse should be put to an end same with corporal punishment.
College tuition is hurting Americans
Can Trump make America have equality again.
There is a big gun problem in America but with some procautions, gun violence can be reduced with out taking away peoples guns.
A ban needs to be placed on horse slaughter to stop the pain these innocent horses are put through.
Breeders are over breeding dogs and cats leaving the mother and puppies/kittens in poor health, causing people to bring them to shelters, where the...
Guns are a big problem that corrupts the U.S. today. They are the result of many deaths and injuries of innocent lives. In order to change this, we...
This letter is talking about the trouble Isis is causing problem. This also talks about how to stop Isis and what they are doing to the world.
classes unneeded for future
My letter to the president is talking about the brutality against police forces and the hate that spreading against police.
Many people have died from police brutality. It's time we take a stand and fight for what we think is right. ...
Suicide is the tenth-leading cause of death in the United States. 85 percent of suicides attempted by gun are fatal - so why aren't we doing more a...
Many animals are abused and they deserve better lives. So raise your paw against animal abuse!
Minimum Wage
I strongly disagree with abortion and I think it should be illegal
It is important to care for those who do so much for this nation.
Poverty is a problem all over the world from all the way in Africa to as close to your own backyard. At least 80% of humanity lives on less than $1...
The next president should help unite everyone as a whole.
Police Brutality in the United State
How Title IX unintentionally hurts the less popular men's sports programs.
Most ocean pollution is a result of polluted runoff water draining into the ocean. Human waste is also a cause of ocean pollution.
Police brutality and racism have been extreme issues this year, so I would like to ask, Why do you want to be president?
My plan is to help immigrants and refugees get an education so that they can get a better job. They don’t get any education when they come to Ameri...
We live in a amazing and beautiful world with amazing features. It's the only known habitable planet we can live on. The question, why are we hurti...
Dear Mr/Mrs. president,
There should be an end to all this nonsense. We should have harsher punishment with this stuff. We can’t just yell at the bullies and expect them t...
Change the Start of School to a Later Time
My letter is about the problems revolving around inflation in medical supplies
One problem in America today is abortion. Many women that get an abortion develop mental and physical problems after. Also, many women that have ha...
Pro-life or Pro-choice, you can only pick one.
College costs are rising every single year, making it unaffordable for many people.
Pokemon GO is being limited to its full potential in Lake Park, Wisconsin which is unfair to the multiple users of this game.
Immigrants should face harsher punishments.
Mental illness is something that needs to be addressed in our society, and reforms need to be made regarding it.
What the president should be doing to schools.
Reform for black rights matter.
My main Idea is that Colored People need more rights.
Drugs are taking over America
Abortion laws should be changed for the better and not be allowed to harm an innocent child.
The death penalty is unfair, unconstitutional, and ineffective. This needs to change.
Hunger is a big problem in the United States and in the world. Stop hunger.
What does the gender of someone have to do with how much they get paid? On average, women are earning 20% less than their male coworkers. This affe...
To many people die in gun related deaths. This needs to stop, so we need to enforce stricter gun control laws.
There are many women in the world who are not receiving an education. With help from the USA we can give many more women a chance at education.
I believe homelessness is a huge problem in the USA. This needs to be fixed. Read about my solution.
School Funding
Forest aren't being treated correctly and now fires are burning all of the forest in our nation. But we can fix the problem we have created.
Women are getting paid less than men for the same amount of work.
Dear President, The police have thought that they can do whatever they want. The police think they can speed. They think that they can turn in fa...
Working together to help save the planet.
Feminism affects every woman in the world.
We need to stop bullying in America now.
The USA is allowing innocent children to be killed and nothing is being done to stop this.
The situation of immigration is at a high but we need to know how we should approach it and realize what consequences could come our action to cont...
I think that the government should allow immigrants into our country only under certain circumstances.
Women of your Country are not for Prostitution and might call this a "job" but is just not suitable for them
National Debt is a serious problem that needs to be fixed.
CTE is a problem for NFL players. Many players have died from it and we need to find a solution to stop it.
Many people are doing things that are bad to the Ocean, This letter will help list them and stop them.
This should not be a big problem for the US.
We need to win the war on terrorism.
Dear next president, you’ve got a lot of work to do. With America’s economy suffering, crime rates increasing, and government facing constant criti...
My letter is about the plastics pollution our world.
In order for our country to grow we must create new and better innovations and inventions. For these innovations and inventions to happen we must p...
police brutality against black people should be stopped
The US President needs to be a role model and needs to speak out on other role models' bad behaviors, such as the behaviors of athletes.
Make Teenager's Lives Great Again
Healthcare should be a right, not a luxury.
Importance of Immigration and Defense on the border.
A letter to the president that addresses the problem of classist education in America.
Jacob McDaniel wants to see specialized career training beginning in middle and high school so that students are better prepared for the workforce.
Hello Future President of The United States my name is Nick. I would like to know what you will be doing with gun control while you are ou...
Issues that the future president needs to take care of.
Nick DeRitis has watched the price of college tuition triple in recent years. He hopes the next president will prioritize affordable higher educati...
War is bad, and together we must stop it.
My paper was on how racism is affecting Americans and way we think about other races and causing us to think about races out of the country and how...
My topic is islamophobia in America and the steps we can take to help resolve it
Most people have no clue how new money is created in the US and the reality is that banks create new currency every time a loan is made. This debt-...
College tuition expensive should be lower and build a better education system.
Dear Sir/Madam President, Hello, my name is Luke Copenhaver. I am a junior in high school, and I am writing to you today to discuss Genetically Mo...
Prohibiting abortion after we as a nation have come so far to support a woman's right to choose is simply regressive. It is forcing one of the most...