Gun Control
The issues with this topic.
Dear Our Future President,
Gun control in America has recently become a big topic and a problem in American politics because of the amount of deaths related to firearms in America. Anyone over the age of 18 who passes a gun safety test can buy a long gun such as a rifle. You must be 21 or older to buy a handgun because they are considered deadlier due to their mobility. I believe that America should have stricter laws that prevent people who want to do evil from purchasing firearms. Also, gun shops should have better gun safety tests that check a person’s mental health and teaches the person how to handle a gun safely and correctly.
In 2010, 3,459 people under the age of 21 died from gun-related injuries. Of these deaths, 936 of them were suicide, 150 were unintentional, and 2,329 were homicides. These 936 suicides could have been prevented if the person’s mental health had been checked before they were allowed to purchase their firearm. The 150 unintentional shootings could’ve been prevented if the person had been shown how to use a gun properly and carry it correctly. It is important to acknowledge that we don’t know the exact stories
There have been many stories about innocent people being shot by crazy people with access to firearms. Dwyane Wade’s cousin who lived in Chicago was just recently shot by accident. The man that shot her was trying to shoot somebody else and had been to prison before. Another example of innocent people being killed with guns was the church in Charleston, South Carolina. A man named
Another issue caused by guns is the increase in suicide rates. The majority of suicides committed have been done with guns. In 2013, 60% of Americans who died from guns was suicide. The suicide rates
Carl Lowe III
Work Cited
“Dwyane Wade Mourns Cousin, Urges Tougher Gun Laws in Chicago.” Sports,
By Contrast the United States Has the 26th Highest Suicide Rate (12.3 Suicides per 100,000 People in 2011) and the Highest Gun Ownership Rate (88.8 Guns per 100 People). [44] [45] Jim Barrett, Author
@JenniferMascia. “15 Statistics That Tell the Story of Gun Violence This Year.”The Trace Comments, 6 July 2016,
“Guns in America: For Every Criminal Killed in Self-Defense, 34 Innocent People Die.” Washington Post, The Washington Post,
“Can Someone Possess a Gun after a Criminal Conviction? |”,
“Minimum Age.” Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence,
By contrast the United States has the 26th highest suicide rate (12.3 suicides per 100,000 people in 2011) and the highest gun ownership rate (88.8 guns per 100 people). [44] [45] Jim Barrett, author for, stated. “Gun Control -” ProConorg Headlines,