Air Pollution
Air Pollution is a major problem in our world today and is starting to affect not only the environment, but us.
Dear Future President,
Have you seen cities covered in smog? National parks dying? Air Pollution is a major problem in the United States, even the world! I know that you are very familiar with this, but what is being done to stop it? Our major cities are now thickened with fog every morning, our air isn’t safe to breath, and now air pollution is affecting our national parks! We need your help in making our country safe again. What will you do?
Air Pollution causes many problems, but the most common effect is fog or haze. According to
C& stated, “Magnetite, a magnetic iron oxide mineral, is showing up in a place it doesn’t belong: the brain.” Magnetite particles are inhaled, and are increasingly caused by air pollution. Not only are they found in the brain, but also stated this, “The detection of the particles, in brain tissue from 37 people, raises concerns because recent research has suggested links between these magnetite particles and Alzheimer’s disease, while air pollution has been shown to significantly increase the risk of the disease.” So not only does air pollution affect the environment, but it’s leading to Alzheimer's disease, and could be leading to other types of diseases we don’t know about yet. I know there is no way to completely reduce air emissions, industries will have to manufacture products, cars will have to run, and so on. People are going to be exposed to air pollution, but now people are getting sick from the most important thing needed to live, air! This is why we need to improve our air pollution laws and at least slow down our emission rates.
In an article
This is why we need to reduce our emissions. We are slowly destroying our planet, and it will only get worse. Our cities, our national parks, and now we are being affected by air pollution! So I ask you, what will you do to fix this matter?
Sincerely, Jake
North Carolina
Work Cited
Langlois, Krista. "Even in “pristine” National Parks, the Air's Not Clear." TT., 18 Aug. 2016. Web. 15 Sept. 2016.
Cross, Ryan. "Air-pollution-derived Magnetic Nanoparticles Found in Human Brains." C&en. C&en, 12 Sept. 2016. Web. 15 Sept. 2016.
Choi, Charles Q. "Air Pollution Kills More than 3 Million People Globally Every Year." Live Science. Live Science Contributor, 16 Sept. 2015. Web. 15 Sept. 2016.
Woodford, Chris. "Air Pollution." EXPLAINTHATSTUFF. EXPLAINTHATSTUFF, 7 Mar. 2016. Web. 15 Sept. 2016