We need to put our heads together on how to handle guns.
Why is raising the minimum wage a bad idea? My essay explores the detrimental impacts of minimum wage hikes.
Puerto Rico is begging for economic help from the United State government.
This letter is attesting to the fact that love is the only thing that can cancel hate. With that being said, I want to know what kind of president ...
the inequality of males being paid higher than females and why this needs to change.
Why pay thousands of dollars for something that is expected of American citizens to get by in our society?
Our own cities are failing and it is absolutely necessary that something is done about it. People are in poverty, victims of many violent crimes, a...
18 year old high school student writes to explain how the education system holds people back from pursuing their passions and leaves room for long ...
America has been getting involved in too many foreign affairs in the last decade, which is resulting in the US not being internally focused created...
Plans to reduce the amount of incorrect and biased information which is broadcast on major news stations
Clean water is important to everyone.
Gun violence needs to be stopped
Also, about refugees...
The issue of gun control is important because of the increase of crime in USA.
As citizens living in America, one of the most concerning and deadly problems we face is gun violence. This issue has been brought up through and ...
Immigrants should face harsher punishments.
We need to protect LGBTQ+ youth from bullying
Vaccines need to be mandatory, to protect the health and safety of the American people.
We need to do more to protect endangered species in this world.
About LGBTQ+ rights and freedom
Problems being caused by global warming and the call to use more renewable resources.
Abortion should be against the law and here is why.
Climate change is having a major impact on the world, and is only getting worse. Urgent action is necessary.
Many things about our criminal justice system are driving me crazy!!! From unequal sentencing to a poor rehabilitation programs, not to mention lim...
Everyone should have a home.
Women should have access to resources like safe abortions, and testing for STDs, along with other tools.
Teens need more sleep for a better education
Cost less money to go places, and helps you with life problems.
Public school lunch is terrible. Lets fix it together!
Technical classes should be a part of high school requirements to ensure the success of individuals in either higher education or technical careers...
I'm Black. Am I Next? This is what many minorities want to know while they just try to live their lives as American citizens. In this letter, we wi...
Global Warming is an issue that we can't avoid; but exactly what is global warming and how bad is it?
My essay is all about Military Suicide and PTSD, and how we need to create more places were our veterans can get the critical help they need. We ne...
This letter is about child abuse. and what needs to be done
Most car crashes are caused by teenagers/adults texting and driving.
This is our planet, these are our animals, this is our culture, these are our friends, this is the place where everyone lives, and we have to take ...
One of my biggest fears is guns and I think that it's also a common fear in society these days.
The American people are having their voice undermined by “special-interest groups;” and new laws need to be passed, corrupted politicians need to b...
Global warming is a huge issue in today's world. It's every American citizen's job to go out and help us fight against this common enemy!
I believe the legalization of marijuana recreationally for certain ages can save many lives and help many people.
How important animal cruelty is in the United States.
Racism is something that is tearing apart our world and something that needs to stop. There are many things that the future president can do to red...
Animal testing is a growing problem in the United States. It should be stopped to spare animals pain and suffering.
Pollution is escalating at an alarming rate and is killing the Earth. More action needs to be taken to reduce pollution.
Gun violence in the United States kills thousands of people each year. I believe that there are things we can do to bring these numbers down.
Our unions are losing their importance. These organizations not only give voices to the weak, but they also give assurance of better lives.
Abortion is a right protected underneath the right to privacy. Whether or not you think it should be legal, as a human, you should have the same ri...
Sexual assault is something that needs a more serious punishment. The person who is getting arrested for sexual assault on average only spends a ye...
College tuition keeps rising and its becoming a bigger problem.
Let's discuss legalization of immigrants in the United States.
Education is a key to success, and teachers make this possible, but a step towards improving the overall education in our nation is by having highe...
I am writing to you about the issue of gun control laws in the United States.
This letter is about how to save the pandas and research about them.
This contains two of the topics I believe the next president should address during their presidency.
Plastic bags should be banned because they create havoc in the marine world.
Parents who abuse drugs don't pay attention to how they are hurting their children physically and emotionally. This can lead to the child having pr...
Domestic Violence is very effective and traumatizing. There is no right reason why one should hit their partners.
College tuition has always been a constant struggle for our generation. We need to make the price realistically affordable.
I believe abortion should be illegal.
Reuniting the United States through equality and peace.
We Desperately Need More of It
Homework can help a student academically, but the negative effects of it can affect kids in a bad way.
Dear Next President: What if you were just walking and were mugged would you choose your belongings or would you run and most likely be killed or...
A letter to the future president of the United States regarding human trafficking.
For 16 and 17 yr olds, drinking to get “drunk” is the goal for 40 % percent of them. Next is where raising the law will help...drinking to get drun...
You are tired of hearing their protests, but you don’t understand their reasons. You ask them to voice their grief with respect while their brother...
Ocean pollution is a problem that we need to fix to save our marine life and us.
The United States as a whole should strive to work together to keep our oceans clean, and with your help, we as a nation could finally make that ch...
Racial profiling is unfair to minorities and it needs to be stopped
What do you believe Future President?
This letter is about police brutality and the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians.
There are 43 million people living in poverty in our country. This is a serious problem. If the United States is suppose to be one of the greatest ...
Difference is a thing that we should embrace, not reject.
Standardized testing does not improve student achievement or the quality of their education, and is extremely discriminatory to a variety of demogr...
My opinions on why the drug laws are bad in the United States. And ideas I think we can do to make the laws better.
Child Abuse need to stop because it's hurting kids and it's emotional.
All around the United States, the opportunities available for every student are not the same. They definitely should be. Whether about the school m...
Why education is important and needed in kids lives and how it helps
People with disabilities rights being taken away, them being neglected and thought to be outside of society, there is no hope left for them in this...
College tuition prices are too high.
This letter is about why abortion should be illegal
Climate Change is a Priority Issue.
The cost of college is too high and we need to lower it.
education and why we have to pay to learn
Refugees have come to our country for hundreds of years...
A Women's Fight for a "Taxed-Free" Necessity
This is about kids being allowed to have their phones during class. And why this would be better for the country.
Stopping the Ivory Trade
The war on drugs is a problem that needs to find a answer soon, before it is to late.
Too many people are killing themselves each year from bulling. We need to do something.
In order to reach world wide peace we must first respect each others differences.
Shootings are constantly being broke out in the U.S. It is time to change that.
this shows how to improve the education of many kids living in poverty and in need of resources or supplies.
I think we should have background checks before people can buy guns
Dear Future President, I don’t want to see families torn apart because they are illegal immigrants. There are over 10 million families with illegal...
The Choice of Abortion Should Be Left Up to the Mother Not the Government
The gender wage gap is a huge problem regarding equality in our society, and it has to change.
A letter on immigration reform.
Death Penalty